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Asi es la Pura Vida This journal includes my previous trips, y es para my future trips. Empezando ahora I will catch up con fotos y stories ya del pasado, and will continuar mas in depth with the travels to come my way.

Gallery: PERU

PERU | Saturday, 6 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

Lima, Cusco, Puno, Aguas Calientes, Machu Picchu
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Gallery: Mendoza, Argentina

ARGENTINA | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Statue of Salvador Allende

CHILE | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [1246]

In front of the Justice Ministry is one of Chile's few monuments to Presiedent Salvador Allende, with his arm outstretched. This conttoversial work of public art pays homage to the man who died in La Moneda during the artillery and rocket seige that ... Read more >

La Moneda--Santiago, Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [1552]

The best approach to the Palacio de la Moneda is from the northern side of the vast , paved Plaza de la Constitucion, three blocks east and south of the Plaza de Armas.  From here you can appreciate the perfect symmetry and compact elegance of this low-... Read more >

Plaza de Armas-- Santiago, Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [12588]

The Plaza de Armas is the centre of Santiago and the country, both literally -all distances to the rest of Chile are masured from here -- and symbolically.  It was the first public space laid out by Pedro de Valdivia when he founded the city in 1541 ... Read more >

Salar de Atacama--Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [795]

The northern edge of this 3000-square  kilometre basin covered by a vast crust of aline minerals lies some 10 km south of San Pedro.  ?The largest salt flat in Chile, SALAR DE ATACAMA is formed by waters flowing down from the Andes which, unnable to escape ... Read more >

Laguna San Rafael glacier -- Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [2643]

From Puerto Chacabuco, a 200-kilometre boat ride through the labyrinthine fjords of Aisen brings you to the dazzling San Rafael glacier, spilling into the broad Laguna San Rafael.  The journey -- four to sixteen hours, depending on type of craft -- is ... Read more >

Puerto Chacabuco, Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 1 Nov 2008 | Views [1773]

15 kilometres west of Puerto Aisen, the busy port of PUERTO CHACABUCO sits dramatically on a natural harbour enclosed by craggy, jagged peaks brushed with snow.  Scanning this panorama, it's almost impossible to distinguish any outlet to the sea, so ... Read more >

Puerto Montt, Chile

CHILE | Friday, 31 Oct 2008 | Views [1404]

After passing Puerto Varas, the Panamericana begins to run out of land.  It approaches a large bay where the central plain, the valley which has run for thousands of kilometres down Chile  between the Andes and the  coast, slips gently under the sea.... Read more >

Gallery: Chile

CHILE | Saturday, 6 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Deportaçao ??? que isso???

BRAZIL | Thursday, 17 Apr 2008 | Views [1879]

So i had left for brazil thinking i would stay for the full 6 months that the tourist visa allowed.  After 3 months of being there, i went to renew my visa for another 3 months.  To my surprise I was informed that my tourist visa that i had was only good ... Read more >

Gallery: London

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 17 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

Visiting my sister
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Gallery: El Salvador

EL SALVADOR | Thursday, 17 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

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el pais que me encanta mas

PANAMA | Wednesday, 16 Apr 2008 | Views [2139]

I went to school in Panama for 2 1/2 years, and it's been almost 2 years since i've been back there. but i finally took a trip out there, and it was amazing. I admit i was worried that it wouldn't feel the same, but i had the best time ever.  I mainly ... Read more >

First words of Portuguese

BRAZIL | Wednesday, 16 Apr 2008 | Views [1733] | Comments [2]

the first thing i learned to say in Portuguese was not just one word, it was an entire sentence! "Beija mi boca gato" I wasn't allowed to know what this meant as a joke, but i was told to say it to everyone that i had met, until one guy..... Read more >

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brrr i was cold!

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