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Gallery: Amsterdam

NETHERLANDS | Thursday, 21 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

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NETHERLANDS | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [645]

I am extremely sleep deprived as I flew from Barcelona to London Tues arriving at around 5:00, slept at the London airport that night which was really impossible but had great conversations with random people, then flew all day Wed 9 hours from London ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

New Pics

IRELAND | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2007 | Views [472]

I was able to add a few more pictures under the title Ireland although it took forever. The sad thing is a lot of my favorite pictures I had burned to a CD in Ireland and it wouldn´t let me share them. Oh well, hopefully my computer at home will let me ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Ireland

IRELAND | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

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More on Ireland

SPAIN | Monday, 4 Jun 2007 | Views [637]

I am much better today, my last night in Ireland I had slept at the airport since my flight on Sunday was at 6:30 in the morning and so I didnt get any sleep. Add that to all the other nights with limited sleep and I was a mess. Even though I was exhausted, ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Drinking with the Irish

IRELAND | Friday, 1 Jun 2007 | Views [563]

I am so glad I decided to come to Ireland, I love it here. The landscape is amazing. The weather has been gorgeous except for two days. I love the food, delicious soups and stews, I have missed good food. Everyone speaks English and the people are so ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

More Adventures

SPAIN | Tuesday, 22 May 2007 | Views [561]

My haircut turned out great, I was a little worried as I told Luca to just cut off the dead ends and trim up the layers. Four inches later and piles of my hair on the floor made me freak a little. But alas all was well as I do love it even though he ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Elephant Man

SPAIN | Monday, 21 May 2007 | Views [1501]

This is so funny, someone I don´t even know posted a comment on my journal in response to my reference to the naked Elephant Man. Please refer to article ¨What to Do?¨ under ¨Comments¨. I forget that my journal is live and anyone can access it. She ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Travel Girl

SPAIN | Friday, 18 May 2007 | Views [620]

I have been on a cleaning jag which helps calm me and in our apt there is always cleaning to do. Many times the boys do not remember to clean up after themselves so they have kindly provided me good projects in the kitchen. I have always been calmed ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

What to Do?

SPAIN | Thursday, 17 May 2007 | Views [750] | Comments [2]

As I wrote previously my course was cancelled due to 3 students cancelling at the last minute. I did not find out about the cancellation until 2 weeks before I was to start my course. So after trying to work it out with my instructor I decided to try ... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures


SPAIN | Tuesday, 8 May 2007 | Views [1125]

After having so much fun, getting used to concentrating on school work is hard, especially since it is self paced and not in classes with other students. This class isn´t working out like I had planned due to the cancellation but I am trying to make ... Read more >

Tags: People


SPAIN | Friday, 4 May 2007 | Views [596]

One of the additional benefits of hanging out at the school is I get to use their computer for free. This morning I joined two of the classes with the  April students. It was interesting and I think I did well for not knowing any of the material yet ... Read more >

Tags: Work

Settled in

SPAIN | Thursday, 3 May 2007 | Views [647]

I am moved into my apartment! I went shopping today for groceries, laundry detergent and small little things that I needed like hand soap and a hand towel for the bathroom. It was hard not to buy a lot of things like rugs and little pretty baskets to ... Read more >

Tags: Markets

Random thoughts

SPAIN | Tuesday, 1 May 2007 | Views [524]

I got a great nights sleep last night, finally! I went upstairs after I wrote my posting and all my roommates were there hanging out in our room. We all chatted for about an hour and I got to hear a bit of their life stories. The 3 guys that were travelling ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

Good Stuff

SPAIN | Tuesday, 1 May 2007 | Views [599]

I had such a wonderful productive day today! I met my instructors for my class here and they are great. I met some students that are in the class from April as well and I will be able to hang out with them if I want to. There had been a bit of drama ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Bad Day

SPAIN | Sunday, 29 Apr 2007 | Views [662]

I had a really crappy day yesterday trying to get from Sardinia to Barcelona. It started out well as when I checked out of my timeshare the handyman offered to give me a ride to the bus stop which was a blessing because the bus stop was a mile away.... Read more >

Tags: Misadventures

Stay tuned

ITALY | Saturday, 28 Apr 2007 | Views [465] | Comments [2]

I am alive, I had a great time in Rome, I love Rome, I got offered a job at the hostel where I stayed in Rome, I was tempted! I am in Sardinia at the timeshare where the internet is slow and expensive. I have been relaxing, reading, and walking ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

In Rome!

ITALY | Wednesday, 18 Apr 2007 | Views [678]

I arrived in Rome today, I have already had good experiences. After my disaster in Granada with the cab I decided I was going to take public transportation although it is sometimes complicated. I arrived at the train station where I had to take the metro ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Leaving Granada

SPAIN | Friday, 13 Apr 2007 | Views [632]

One thing I do not like about Spain is the smoking, it kills me. People do it everywhere and it makes your clothes and hair stink, burns my throat and eyes. This morning I am hacking and my throat hurts again. You could live cheap here as if you buy ... Read more >

Tags: Friends


SPAIN | Thursday, 12 Apr 2007 | Views [507]

Red alert, red alert, I was finally able to add a couple pics amazingly. It took like an hour to add a few pics but at least there are now a few recent ones. Photo Gallery Under Gibraltar I put the monkeys, Tarifa  pics of Mateus taken by me as I was ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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