In the famous words of Inigo Montoya, "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up."
Wonder where all the updates are of our trip Stateside and all the wonderful adventures we've been having since we got back to our island? Well, I've been busy doing things like this:

(Chocolate and vanilla cookies for my co-worker's farewell party.)
And making cards like this:

(Sniff, sniff. Sad to see people leaving our island. But on a happy note, I actually found those stamps for 25 cents a piece in a sale bin at Michael's when I was Stateside! Oh how I miss huge craft stores and sale bins!)
Receiving wonderful packages like this:

(Wait til you hear about all the wonderful holiday baking I have planned this year!)
And frantically trying to get out our massive number of Christmas cards (where did we meet all these people - oh wait, we're related to most of them, never mind)(hehehe) and mail out Christmas gifts before Thanksgiving so they all get there on time. It's been a little hectic, but I haven't forgotten you all. No sirree! I've got all sorts of exciting posts in the making, so keep checking back (and keep the email reminders and hint-hints coming.) I'll be back to regularly updating the site again soon! :)