So I was exploring the 100-Yen Store near Torii, on a hunt for red felt for a Christmas project when I was magically pulled into the stationary/paper good section. (Brandon can attest that I just cannot walk by that section in any 100-Yen Store.) Look at the goodie I found this trip! Talk about an adorable stamp set!

Right down to the misspelled English, "We always have a wonderfl time." And I can tell you I just couldn't pass up a stamp set that assured me that, "Every day is fun and shine!"

The back advertised, "Please put stamp in the case compactedly! Very convenience case for carry!" So cute! :) But here is what really sold me on this stamp set:

In the caution section: "Please it never licks..." I think fellow shoppers must have thought I was nuts with the peals of laughter that rang throughout the small store. :)
Today I made 41 envelopes for the greeting cards I make. These tiny stamps will be perfect to spice up the back flap, don't you think! (Especially the stamp that simply states, "Happy!") I sure do love Japan!
Hope you all have a happy day!