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The Goodheart and Whitecorn Adventures "I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it." Rosalia de Castro


There are [48] photos and [4] stories about USA

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One Year Later

Saturday, 7 Nov 2015 | Views [509]

Exactly one year ago we left New York for an adventure we couldn't predict would change our lives in the way it did. While we had both travelled before, this was our first time planning and prepping completely on our own. We had followed other people's ... Read more >

Tags: home


Thursday, 20 Nov 2014 | Views [666] | Comments [1]

So. I write this from Irvine, CA. Surprised? So are we. First things first. We are safe. The trip is still on. What happened? Well... We were scheduled to fly Qantas from Dallas to Sydney, have a small layover, then continue on to Auckland. We ... Read more >

Tags: diversions, flexibility, qantas

Oh, Fair New Mexico

Saturday, 15 Nov 2014 | Views [509]

Hello from New Mexico!!! Welcome to our first official blog entry :) White corn's mom isn't hip with the 21st century yet and as a result we have not had access to wifi until now. I guess that is good practice for the days to come. We landed safe ... Read more >

Tags: family, home, new mexico

Photos: New Mexico

Saturday, 15 Nov 2014 | Photo Gallery

See all 44 photos >>



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