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Seema Does SE Asia! Come and see what I see on my first trip out to SE Asia...

Trip: Thailand, Cambodia and Laos

There are [11] stories from my trip: Thailand, Cambodia and Laos

Gallery: Beaches

THAILAND | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Krabi and Koh Lanta
See all 57 photos >>

Gallery: Siem Reap and the temples of Angkor

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 92 photos >>

Gallery: On the slow boat to Laos

LAOS | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

Boat and Luang Prabang in Laos
See all 55 photos >>

Gallery: Bangkok to Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Wednesday, 17 Jun 2009 | Photo Gallery

The first week of my trip...
See all 126 photos >>

Sun, sea and sand made Seema a very happy girl!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 16 Jun 2009 | Views [343]

Hi guys, A little belated but here is a summary of the end of my trip. I did nothing. Nothing, that is, other than chill by the pool and the beach, have massages and pedicures, worked on my tan, read some books, swam alot, ate good food and made some ... Read more >

Angkor What?!

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 23 May 2009 | Views [383] | Comments [1]

I last wrote on the eve of my trip to Cambodia. This is the one single journey I as dreading. Horror stories from fellow travellers about the dreadful road, the journey from the border taking 6 hours, the border crossing, the buses, the scams, accompanied ... Read more >

Cooking, slow boats... and Beer Lao!

LAOS | Thursday, 21 May 2009 | Views [743] | Comments [6]

So many things have changed since I last wrote.... I've learned to make pad thai, chicken and cashew nuts and thai curry pastes from stratch. I also know how to eat sticky rice properly, tie my fishermans pants without them falling down or looking like ... Read more >

Jungle trekking and my first mosquito bites

THAILAND | Friday, 15 May 2009 | Views [843]

So I thought giving up the Crackberry would be hard.... but no longer does Seema sleep with a BB next to her pillow, the phone within arms reach and a laptop by her side. These days I seem to fall asleep and wake up clutching a bottle of insect repellent ... Read more >

A Slight Change of Plan / Leaving Bangkok and into Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Monday, 11 May 2009 | Views [596] | Comments [6]

After a crazy day wandering around Bangkok, I realised I actually didn't like it there atall, I was so stressed and tired (3 years worth of exhaustion all came out in under 24hours) that after writing the last update I wanted to cancel everything, go ... Read more >

In Bangkok

THAILAND | Saturday, 9 May 2009 | Views [646] | Comments [7]

Hello all; I'd like to start with the usual complaints about the shocking flight, delays, bad food, being ripped off within 5 minutes of arriving into Bangkok... but fortunately for me that wasn't the case atall - we had a 30min delay in Manchester, ... Read more >

Packing at home in Preston

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 6 May 2009 | Views [601] | Comments [10]

Hi guys! Thanks for checking out my blog, I thought this might be the easiest way to keep everyone up to date on my route and plans since I don't have a fixed itiniery. For now, I can tell you that I have a flight to Bangkok departing tomorrow (Thursday) ... Read more >