Now, there's a danger in making leaps of logic with another language. Just because a word can be used in 2 ways in your own lingua does not mean it can also do the same in another language. Richito is getting ahead of himself with his dictionary. Sunday afternoon saw some friends visit mama and papa so hot chocolate and pan were dished up and we were kindly invited to join, contributing so much as we do to general conversation! Some of the bread served was empanada, which is a stuffed bread. Richito wanted to know what was inside the bread and made that logical leap of language so used 'interior'; our hosts' friend looked somewhat abashed and turned to talk to his wife in spanish; on looking at the phrasebook we have deduced that 'interior' refers to underwear, so Richito had definitely made a leap for friendship there but it was not reciprocated; no wonder the chap left shortly afterwards.