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You Can't Ride Around With A Tiger On Your Bike One man-cub, one motorbike. And a tiger-striped poncho, just in case.

The Lake District

The old mill that's been converted into a theatre/arts center/bar/other bar/pizza joint. My hostel in Kendal joined onto this but I never got the chance to explore it or watch a movie at the cinema because I was too busy drinking port and FaceBook-ing. Meh, there's hundreds of these in England, I'll haf another chance I'm sure.

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 2 November 2011 | Views [302]

The old mill that's been converted into a theatre/arts center/bar/other bar/pizza joint. My hostel in Kendal joined onto this but I never got the chance to explore it or watch a movie at the cinema because I was too busy drinking port and FaceBook-ing. Meh, there's hundreds of these in England, I'll haf another chance I'm sure.