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You Can't Ride Around With A Tiger On Your Bike One man-cub, one motorbike. And a tiger-striped poncho, just in case.


There are [8] stories from my trip: SCOTLAND

Photos: Edinburgh

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 2 Nov 2011 | Photo Gallery

Like London Minus The Tube & The Junkies
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Photos: Scotland

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 2 Nov 2011 | Photo Gallery

Haggis, Kilts, & Mel Gibson
See all 38 photos >>


UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 22 Oct 2011 | Views [877]

"Scots: Inventors of the modern world. You're welcome." ~ Ewan McGregor, Long Way Round. (At the time of writing this, I ain't in Scotchland. I'm back in London. I don't own a motorcycle [not counting the scooter I own back home in Australia.... Read more >

Doing Edinburgh Right Mate?

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 21 Oct 2011 | Views [792]

Starting by pronouncing it 'Eddin-bra'. And drinking Scotch whisky instead of Irish whisky. And hating the English. That's all Edinburgh asks of you. I can only appreciate so much beauty in one sitting before it blends into mush and I need a drink or ... Read more >

My Hole At Loch Ness

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 20 Oct 2011 | Views [1690]

I done dug me a hole to poo in. But I didn't use it. Just wanted to test the shovel that came strapped to the sidecar of my bike. I'm sure there'll be ample opportunity to poo into ground holes in India. Heaps. Maybe I ought to start practising my aim ... Read more >

The Part Of The Trip Where I Put A Shopping Bag Down My Pants

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 19 Oct 2011 | Views [897]

This is the part of the trip where I put a shopping bag down my pants. It started raining in the morning, I had just enough time to pack away my tent before the skies opened and God unloaded on my head. T'was as if the ocean had decided to reclaim the ... Read more >

Northin' To It

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 18 Oct 2011 | Views [878]

So I went up north, saw some stuff, came back, yadda yadda, end of story. I wish the journal was that easy. I need a secretary that i can dictate. Dictate to. Or a thing that can read my thoughts and convert them to words on the internet. Maybe not, ... Read more >

Scotland, & FREEDOOOOMM!! Haha.

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 16 Oct 2011 | Views [863]

Tom Church, a monument mason, created a statue of Sir William Wallace, the 13th century Scottish hero who was a leader in the Scottish Wars of Independence. He was (Tom Church, not William Wallace) greatly inspired by the film 'Braveheart', starring ... Read more >