On our day off Tara, Lea and I headed to Pyha- Luosto National Park. It is known as 'A hikers Paradise' with over 150km of marked routes throughout the national park (my sister would be so jealous!)

We caught a bus to Pyha which is an hour north from Korvala. The bus driver didn't speak any English so it was very difficult trying to explain to him where we wanted to go. The Finnish language is ridiculous and so hard to understand. For example, in English we have just one word for dog but in Finnish there is over 50 different ways to say and spell it. Crazy. On the way there I noticed that everything was built out of log wood (even the bustops which are so cute).

When we arrived we asked two hikers for directions. They knew little English but were kind enough to show us where the trail began and gave us a map. We tried to navigate our way from there which was very difficult seeing as the trail route names were 20 letters long. We eventually found our way from there and made our way through the forest and down to the wetlands trail! So beautiful.

It was pouring with rain and we nearly froze our fingers off but it didn't matter because what we were seeing was so beautiful!

We made it to the waterfall which was fairly small but still stunning, and then walked what felt like 1000 steps to the lookout at the top. The clouds were low beneath the mountains and it was so mystical. Best lunch spot ever.

We chatted to a few hikers and then made our way back for hot chocolates and hot chips (which tasted so much like home).

We caught the bus back at 3 and it was time to go visit our husky friends!