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WT09 your two favourite gap-yearers make their way around the world armed only with a sense of adventure and a photocopied lonely planet guide to the mekong. wish us luck!

Photos: PERU and BOLIVIA

PERU | Friday, 11 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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eating for cheap and risking our personal safety (once more) in the world's highest capital city

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 8 Dec 2009 | Views [1380]

vivienne and i were not feeling particularly intrepid when we dragged our sick and half-starved selves onto an aerosur flight from cusco to la paz, having opted for a 50-minute flight over an 18-hour bus ride and keen to escape reminders that we had ... Read more >

Tags: paramount pictures mountain, presidential elections, worlds most dangerous road

pretending to be part of an ancient civilisation on the INCA TRAIL

PERU | Monday, 7 Dec 2009 | Views [794]

after an epic journey from rio involving 3 planes, 2 changes and 2 lost bags (cool - nice try, TAM and LAN) we arrived in the very very high town of Cusco, and our experience that was PERU began... The lost bags were an obvious first hurdle, which ... Read more >

Photos: BRAZIL

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 1 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: amsterdam & london

NETHERLANDS | Tuesday, 1 Dec 2009 | Photo Gallery

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sunburn, capirhinias and statewide blackouts in BRAZIL

BRAZIL | Monday, 30 Nov 2009 | Views [2191] | Comments [1]

we were a bit torn about leaving europe, mostly because south america represented the final and shortest third of our trip (i realise that's not very mathematical but you know what i mean), so we set off from heathrow on the first sunday in november ... Read more >

Tags: blackouts, boa constrictors, climbing jesus, madonna, most good-looking continent, paraty, the amazon

I AMsterdam (and also london)

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 20 Nov 2009 | Views [1577] | Comments [1]

after a very long bus ride next to a quite unfriendly chain smoking french man, i finally completed the journey from london to paris where iona and i were REUNITED in the relatively unglamorous gallieni bus terminal. for the next 2 days we hung out ... Read more >

Tags: amsterdam, gold., red lights, ritz, windows

Gallery: belgium!

BELGIUM | Monday, 16 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

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iona main eats a lot of waffles and drinks a lot of beer

BELGIUM | Saturday, 14 Nov 2009 | Views [1473]

and so, at last count, i was lurking around a slightly scruffy parisian hostel when a friendly danish guy offered me a lift to brussels. nice. love danish people. as countless backpackers have discovered, free transport in europe (and probably anywhere) ... Read more >

Tags: barack obama, chocolate museum, denmark, free transport

ENGLAND (you'll have to imagine the witty title - sorry)

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 6 Nov 2009 | Views [1031] | Comments [3]

HELLO FRIENDS AND FAMILY the time has come, the walrus said, for you to all finally know how on earth i survived a month without iona in the big (ok, small) bad country that is england. to tell you the truth, i didn't quite know how i was going ... Read more >

Tags: 2 pound pizza and buses, coldness, england

Gallery: france take two

FRANCE | Tuesday, 3 Nov 2009 | Photo Gallery

(minus vivienne)
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fake IDs, green day and eiffel tower mania = 2 weeks in paris

FRANCE | Sunday, 1 Nov 2009 | Views [2189] | Comments [2]

my plan for october was to go to paris, quickly find an easy and well-paid job (something like sampling chocolate was what i had in mind) and spend the large part of the next month wandering around galleries, shopping and eating crepes. well, it would ... Read more >

Tags: eiffel tower, palace of versailles, pub crawl, scandanavian people


UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 25 Oct 2009 | Views [815] | Comments [3]

* just for the record, we didn't actually call it that... i just thought of it then and thought it was funny... i'm pretty cool, i know. ANYWAY. first thing first, sorry that this is ridiculously late, but, to be honest, since iona isn't here to remind ... Read more >

Tags: deep fried mars bar visa freezing cold

Gallery: IRELAND

IRELAND | Sunday, 4 Oct 2009 | Photo Gallery

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a whirlwind tour of ireland in more style than we're used to

IRELAND | Sunday, 4 Oct 2009 | Views [1066] | Comments [1]

so, historic tour of scotland over (with particular emphasis on all the places my dad has crashed vintage cars throughout the st andrews area during his university years), we wound up back in glasgow to send my sad little sister back to australia for ... Read more >

Tags: giants causeway, guinness, teenage mums, yall

the hilarity that is scottish dancing (and various other bits and pieces)

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 19 Sep 2009 | Views [823] | Comments [3]

The wedding of iona's cousin ewen and his new wife annie was the main reason we came to scotland, and so when the day arrived, we were, safe to say, reasonably excited (and not only because of the scottish dancing we had been promised).  we (being the ... Read more >

Tags: iona, scottish dancing, wedding

Gallery: the land of scot

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 16 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

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glasgow and a somewhat wet arrival in the highlands

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 11 Sep 2009 | Views [1171] | Comments [2]

after arriving comically early at spain's alicante airport for our really cheap flight to glasgow (we thought we were clever by scoring a place in sleazyjet's 'boarding group B' until we found out that the boarding groups actually only extend to B) and ... Read more >

Tags: ardgour, corran ferry, glasgow, sauchiehall, scottish dancing

being boiling hot

SPAIN | Tuesday, 8 Sep 2009 | Views [823]

the next part of our spanish adventure was basically a combination of 2 things: a complete lack of knowledge about good places to go, and the realisation that we had a week left in spain and nothing planned to do... basically we hit up seville (where ... Read more >

Tags: alicante, overnight bus, seville, supermarkets (our new hang zone)

the real reason we came to spain...

SPAIN | Wednesday, 2 Sep 2009 | Views [2433] | Comments [2]

...was not to embarrass ourselves with our terrible spanish, nor to drink a lot of sangria, nor to enjoy the almost laughably laid-back spanish lifestyle (siesta often begins around midday and continues until about 9 the following morning), although ... Read more >

Tags: la tomatina

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