Upon my walk home last week a man stopped me on the street and invited me into his family´s sewing shop. I had been wondering about the city trying to find my way home and greatfully accepted. The man, Fausto, is part a Kichwa (indiginous) community and works as a tour guide. I was offered lunch and gave my first english lesson. Throughout the rest of the the week I have gathered more people who want me to teach them english as well as my own classroom in one of the Kichwa communities that seperate from the city. English is a very valuable langauge in Ecuador, because it opens the door to better paying jobs and further education. In the schools Englsih and mandatory from the age of five all the way through University. Although enlish is taught for multiple years, many students are unable to form basic questions and sentences. According to many of the students that I have spoken with the class becomes too difficult once they enter Colegio, around 13 years old. Hopefully I will be able to create a more interesting and meaningful learning envirnment to help the people who have asked.