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on a trip beautiful summer

Magdeburg - Bautzen - Dittmannsdorf

GERMANY | Thursday, 1 Apr 2010 | Views [318]

This is going to be my last-last entry to the blogg. Come and visit me in Germany. Any place, but best in Dittmannsdorf :) Have a graet summer everybody!!


GERMANY | Friday, 26 Mar 2010 | Views [327]

Half a year is gone.. I´m back in Germany. Hamburg, heading to Magdeburg and later Saxony. Everything just fine, just a bit strange being back in Europe..


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 26 Mar 2010 | Views [295]

Spent 2 days in London. It was actually quiet nice weather, sun and warm enough. Didn´t do much there either, hanging around with Grobie, Jannicke and the kids, taking short walks along the river, eating fish & chips. Good to relax :) Next stop Germany ... Read more >

Singapore (once more)

SINGAPORE | Sunday, 21 Mar 2010 | Views [283]

These are the last days of the trip. In 2 days Europe is waiting. And I'm coming.. I don't do really much here in Singapore this time, mostly hanging around with Olga, Rob and the kids, eating good food, watching the tv, sleeping. Went to the movies.... Read more >

Photos: Bangkok

THAILAND | Sunday, 14 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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THAILAND | Sunday, 14 Mar 2010 | Views [382]

I like Bangkok. Have been here for 5 days now and every day something new to do. Big city :) On the way here from Phnom Penh I met this woman on the bus- crazy traveller, all cliche, several years in India, Nepal, now Chiang Mai.. Anyway she knew a ... Read more >

Photos: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Monday, 8 Mar 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Cambodia (back again)

CAMBODIA | Monday, 8 Mar 2010 | Views [423]

To get back to Cambodia I flew into Phnom Penh. Spent another 2 days there. Always nice to come back to a known place. I didn't do much, watched the locals doing their evening-acrobatics in the stadium, wandered around, mostly at the markets ... Read more >


SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010 | Views [257]

It was such a nice thing of Olga to invite me over to their place. I had a real good time in Singapore, not doing much, just enjoying being with friends again :) I expected the town more lightened up because of the chinese New Year, but I couldn't see ... Read more >

Photos: Singapore

SINGAPORE | Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

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GERMANY | Friday, 12 Feb 2010 | Views [434]

On the 4th of february my second niece was born! Look at the picture of my 2 cute nieces!!

Photos: South Vietnam

VIETNAM | Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 | Photo Gallery

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South Vietnam

VIETNAM | Thursday, 11 Feb 2010 | Views [362]

First of all I found out, that my "stories" are getting longer and longer it seems. Had a look at my own blogg the other day and was shocked by how much I actualle write.. Since I'm not getting any complains (it IS possible to COMMENT the ... Read more >

Cambodia (4)

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 3 Feb 2010 | Views [423]

The bus from Kompong Thom left from a family-driven bus-stop in the middle of the main-road. While I waited for the bus to arrive (nobody knew the exact time) the grandfather and the mother were shouting at the kids to speak english to me. Poor kids, ... Read more >

Cambodia (3)

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 27 Jan 2010 | Views [615]

Close to the Thai-Border is a mountaines area, the Cardamom-mountains. What a relief to get there after all the beach-life :) Green and fresh and cooler. In the Town of Koh Kong Camilla and I seperated ways after a last lunch together. She headed ... Read more >

Cambodia (2)

CAMBODIA | Thursday, 21 Jan 2010 | Views [356]

I don't really understand WHY I like the people here so much.. Maybe because everybody is smiling, giving you the impression that he or she is especially happy to see you. Or is it because people don't take theirselves to important. Everything is done ... Read more >


CAMBODIA | Monday, 11 Jan 2010 | Views [417]

Finally Cambodia. All the time I was mostly looking forward to come here. And I'm not disappointed (yet, hehe). Coming from Thailand after a 30 hour ride on the bus we arrived at the border and like in all border towns had a lot of touts trying ... Read more >

Photos: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Monday, 11 Jan 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Thailand (2)

THAILAND | Saturday, 2 Jan 2010 | Views [391]

Last night here in Thailand. Well, almost.. There is going to be the nightbus to Bangkok tomorrow. And from there straight on to Cambodia :) Really looking forward to that. We spent a week on Kho Lanta, an island with white beaches and clearblue water.... Read more >


THAILAND | Saturday, 26 Dec 2009 | Views [326]

Being in Thailand is VERY differnt from travelling in Vietnam or Laos. Big surprise, he he. Everything is very organized and nobody let you think yourself. The busses kick you off at remote travel-agencies instead of bus-stations, the hotels buy the ... Read more >

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