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On the Loose My feet get bored and itchy.

A Nice Long Walk to Clear My Thoughts

ECUADOR | Sunday, 20 Jul 2008 | Views [796] | Comments [3]

A mi me encanta Ecuador. El pais, la gente, se amo todo. Pero, despues de estar aqui por casi seis semanas, soy muy agradecido por mi familia, mi casa, mis amigos.  Hoy pensaba mucho... de mi familia, relaciones, y la posibilidad que yo y Pancho podemos ... Read more >

Cheers to Long Loading Times

ECUADOR | Friday, 18 Jul 2008 | Views [1152] | Comments [1]

Again it has been a long winter between posts, but this entry should be full of excitement and (GASP!) pictures. After three weeks of having the runs I am quite contently constipated... but there has been a lot more going on than changes in bowel movements.... Read more >

Gallery: ¡A Mi Me Encanta Ecuador!

ECUADOR | Friday, 18 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

My first few weeks in a country I´ve grown to adore.
See all 58 photos >>

DDD: Dormant Volcanoes, Dead Chickens, and Damn Dogs

ECUADOR | Thursday, 3 Jul 2008 | Views [1501] | Comments [4]

I am currently in Ibarra, a city of about 140,000 in the northern part of Ecuador. The entrance to the city calls it ¨The City You´ll Always Want to Come Back To.¨ Today I am not so sure I´d agree. I´m a bit homesick and lonely. Honestly it is really ... Read more >

Living and Dying in Quito

ECUADOR | Monday, 23 Jun 2008 | Views [935] | Comments [2]

Sorry for the long winter in my posts. Today marks the thirteenth day of my trip, and the fourth day that I have been sick since arriving in Quito. Yesterday I woke up with a killer sore throat and no voice. I thought it might be laryngitis, but I am ... Read more >

Typical Ecuadorian Experiences

ECUADOR | Monday, 16 Jun 2008 | Views [586] | Comments [2]

My host Carlos is fantastic, and fantastically funny. Saturday, my second day at his house, he, Luis, and I went out on the town for some typical Ecuadorian experiences. We first went to the mall and bought me a new phone. Carlos tried to talk Luis into ... Read more >

Still in Quito

ECUADOR | Saturday, 14 Jun 2008 | Views [814] | Comments [3]

Travel is really, I think, mostly about good people. On that end, this trip has been excellent so far. I stayed at the hostal in Gringoland (the tourist district of Quito) for two nights. There I met people from Chile, Columbia, Holland, and different ... Read more >

¡Estoy en Quito!

ECUADOR | Friday, 13 Jun 2008 | Views [528] | Comments [1]

I arrived in Quito yesterday morning. Getting here involved three flights and a full 24 hours of travel. From Houston to Atlanta to Miami to Quito, with about 15 hours of layovers in between. When I stepped out of the airport I fully doubted my ability ... Read more >


USA | Wednesday, 11 Jun 2008 | Views [899] | Comments [1]

So I am leaving to catch my flight in a few hours. The past few days I have been packing and checking my extensive packing list over and over again. Because this is my first big trip and my family will be using this blog to keep tabs on me, and they ... Read more >

Gallery: Trip Prep

USA | Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 6 photos >>

Final Preperations

USA | Sunday, 1 Jun 2008 | Views [488]

Journal Entry- January 9, 2008 "I bought a ticket to Quito today. Holy [explicit]! (sorry grandma)" I've been semi-planning this trip since I bought my ticket that January day on which I was apparently filled with pensive reflection. Now ... Read more >

Tags: packing, preparation

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