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Fierce Invalids in Hot Climates Amber and Jerad chronicle their life-changing journey from Napa Valley wine snobs to globe-exploring vegabonds

Where in the World are Jerad and Amber?

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 23 June 2008 | Views [895] | Comments [5]

Hello Loved and Missed Ones,

This is going to be a very short blog (due to the fact we are heading off to the airport soon).  I did feel that some of you may want atleast a quick update and know where we are.  I will blog about our positive and enjoyable South Africa adventures later, and hopefullly get all Africa pictures up.

So, we are flying out of the Johanesburg Airport (S. Africa) this afternoon to the Doha airport (where we will spend the night, again sleeping bags and all), then on the morning of June 24th we will be flying from the Doha airport to Athens, Greece @ 9:30 am.  Just thought some of you would want to know that we are now heading to Europe and will be enjoying that part of the journey for the rest of the time until we fly home. (We fly from Ireland to Boston, Mass for about 4 days on the 30th of Aug, and then on the 4th of Sept off to Portland, Oregon for the beautiful and darling Jerlyn's wedding.)

Again, I will try and blog soon, but one never knows whwne they will actually get their hands on a computer.

Again Congratulations to the Slegers bunch for the birth of little Travis Kent.  Monica, I heard you rocked it and I truly think about the whole fam all the time.  I am happy everything went well and he is so healthy.

Happy Early B-Day Sheena Hobbs.  I hope you get a chance to spend a day centered around your needs since I know your life is wild sometimes with two kids and a husband:).

We are very excited about Europe and have truly enjoyed this whole trip, the ups and the bumps...it is a good thing I am with my love!  Hope eveyone is enjoying summer and time will fly and then we will be home.


Amber Allison

P.S.  Rock on Obama. (Just spreading some support, I plan on doing more when I get home.)



A & J:
Yupee, Europe will be a blast and a half! Hopefully, you can download some pictures when you get there.
Don’t drink to much Guinness in Ireland!
Miss you and love you both!

  Randy Hubbell Jun 23, 2008 11:27 PM


As you begin the last leg of your journey together, when you mentioned that you will be coming into Greece- one of my favorite quotes popped into my head:

line in Zorba the Greek when the young Englishman, played by the late Alan Bates asks Zorba, Anthony Quinn, "Are you married?"
Zorba replies: "Am I not a man? And is not a man stupid? I’m a man. So I married. Wife, children, house, everything. The full catastrophe."

You brave travelers are seeing first hand the bewildering "catastrophe" of life: the awe, beauty, and the strength of human spirit- while at times facing poverty and heartbreaking bleakness that few Americans see beyond our daily soundbites. And realizing that you cannot embrace one without accepting the other.
(Enough of this nonsense- have fun and spread Joy- ie. keep doing what you're doing so well!) Dave H.

  Dave Hubbell Jun 24, 2008 10:16 PM


Finally got my new (rebuilt) computer and am happy so say we can now enjoy your blogs again. Love 'em. We had a great trip to San Diego to go to the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines. Based on our taxes Uncle gave us $1200 to spend to bolster the economy. Between motels, gas, meals, merchandise and misc. we spent $1203 -- So we did our part. Love you and continue to have a safe trip. Enjoy a Guiness for me. Gpa

  Gpa & Gma Nicholson Jun 28, 2008 8:09 AM


Europe must feel like you are living large compared to where you have been. Have bouncing around Europe. Big Big Big fun during the summer!! Love you both! P.s. are you going to Portugal,,,,,,if so have some good ideas for you.

  Shea Jul 4, 2008 12:57 AM


Hey you too! It's good to hear from you. I've looked online a couple times but think I was looking in the wrong places because I wasn't finding any new blogs. I'm sorry to hear about the money being stolen but I suppose it's part of the price to pay for travelling---or that's what I tell myself when I get pulled over by the police! I went to Katie Elder's wedding two days ago. It was sooo beautiful. Also, I met Travis for the first time at Aunt Bob and Uncle Bud's 50th anniversary. He's sooo cute, very precious. Savannah was so much fun. We napped together and she tried to get me up to play with her and said my name multiple times which was the first time without being prompted by someone else. My heart just melted. Hopefully I'll see you guys on Skype if you visit Jean-Pierre because he's all set up. It's cool because it's like video conferencing. Take care and keep the blogs coming.

  Jeryln and Andy Jul 6, 2008 6:23 AM



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