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Fierce Invalids in Hot Climates Amber and Jerad chronicle their life-changing journey from Napa Valley wine snobs to globe-exploring vegabonds

Myanmar Revisited

MYANMAR | Monday, 17 March 2008 | Views [1129] | Comments [4]

So now that you have had a chance to digest the wonderful reflections on Myanmar I thought I might make a short note of some of the more interesting moments in that portion of the trip.  In no particular order;

1)  Riding in a shared taxi with other travellers from the airport to the hostel and having someone in the back ask a very simple question, "Is it still true that there are no ATMs in Myanmar?" Answer, "Yes that is true."  My thoughts, "I have about $30 on me and we are here for 2 weeks."  Thankfully there is 1 and I repeat 1 hotel that will give you cash off of a credit card in the entire country.  Thank you Sedona Hotel, a life-saver even at 7% commission (sorry Granny).

2)  It is interesting that in the movies when something happens during a flight and the plane has to land before the destination they refer to it as an emergency landing, but when it happens in real life they simply refer to it as a technical difficulty that requires us to return to the airport we had just taken off from.  This was the case on our flight from Yangon to Mandalay.

3)  Amber's dad sent us a prophetic email while in Myanmar about the possibility of running out of money and having to shave our heads and chant Hari Krishna while begging in the airport.  While the chanting and head shaving never came to pass Amber did have to beg for $20 because of the departure tax that was never mentioned.  We would have simply withdrew cash but see #1.  Thank you king Australian tourists who handed the money over with only minor looks of stupid tourists.  The first 2 parts of Amber's fathers prophecy might have come true and we might still be there were it not for their compassion.

All in all it was a great trip but no one will ever be able to say it wasn't interesting in the full sense of the word either.



Your adventures get more interesting all the time. We're happy you both are feeling better. An ATM story: When we first started full-time RVing there were few if anyt ATMs in the country (1980). Some one told us that at some major airports they had installed them. We were in Montana and went to the Great Falls airport and inquired, telling the clerk "We had been told that at some major airports ATMs had been installed." His reply was "There ain't nothing MAJOR in Montana! Love to both of you.

  Gpa and Gma Nicholson Mar 19, 2008 5:26 AM


I love it............seeing your pics along the way and knowing that just a year ago I walked and experienced the same places. Crazy!!! I feel like I am with you guys and love hearing the magic of your journey. Much love my fellow nomads!!! Shea

  Shea Mar 21, 2008 2:11 AM


Granny is glad you have her credit card to use in emergencies. She should be able to put money in the bank for you by April 5th. Obama has hit some rough spots with comments his pastor has made that many deem unAmerican albeit somewhat accurate. He came back with a historical speech that is being compared to the likes of Lincoln, MLK, and JFK. We think he will pull out of it. We look forward to your blogs on India. We're going shopping for your Mom's BDAY gift today. Happy Birthday to you! Your BDAY is also on Easter Sunday this year. We will celebrate in your honor. Let us know what you do to celebrate. Cheers!

  Granny, Andy and Jeryln Mar 23, 2008 4:32 AM


A & J,
Love the pictures...keep em coming! Miss you and cant wait till you are back in the US.

  Randy Hubbell Mar 23, 2008 11:00 AM



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