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Fierce Invalids in Hot Climates Amber and Jerad chronicle their life-changing journey from Napa Valley wine snobs to globe-exploring vegabonds

An Inevidible Bump In the Road

USA | Wednesday, 28 May 2008 | Views [1043] | Comments [4]

It has been crazy since leaving our safari and heading for the orphanage.  I will try and just give you the short facts and leave the emotional narrative to Amber.  We arrived at an orphanage with no kids which was Amber's sole reason for doing to program.  After a lot of talking we decided to just scrap that plan and head out to Zanzibar.  This has been really hard on Amber so send her your love and support.  When we arrived on Zanzibar, this beautiful exotic island, we decided to head out to a emote beach to get away from it all and relax for awhile.  On the second day of the trip out there all of Zanzibar lost power and slowly our hotel ran out of water, food, you name it and since we prepaid for a week to get a cheaper rate they wouldn't refund any of our money.  So our relaxing vacation turnined into eating canned beans and scrounging for bottled water.  We have finally gotten back to Dar Es Salaam and are trying to regain composure and figure out what we will do until th 12th When we fly to S. Africa.  So what started as a wonderful safari and opportunity turned into definitely the most challenging part of our trip so far.  The skys ahead look brighter and we hope to go to a beach on the mainland where there is power.  We miss you all and plan to post pics and Amber will blog tomorrow, so you will get some more substance from her shortly but I just wanted to touch base.  JN 



Dear Amber Alli,
My heart aches for you. No longer can I protect you from overwhelming disappointment. Over the last 26 years, I've watched you rise above any situation, any challenge, any limitation. You are my hero!
I love you deeply,

  Mom May 29, 2008 3:20 PM


A & J-
What a bummer!! I second Mom- you will rise above any situation, challenge, and/or limitations. Remember- what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I miss you terribly and can't wait till you are back in US.
Post pictures as soon as you can.
Love Randy

  Randy Hubbell May 31, 2008 12:14 AM


I hope you both are okay and get through this rough patch of the trip. I see your hair is still pink Amber! Just thought I'd send the news that Obama and Clinton are still in a close race with the very last two states voting tomorrow...Obama is favored and he is in the lead and it's virtually impossible for Clinton to win!!! Analysts say it will still be a close race between Obama and McCain but we've gotten through the first step. I'm sooooo excited. I've been in my new job now for a month and I LOVE IT! It's the best job I've had to date--though I'm still in the honeymoon stage!

  Jeryln and Andy Jun 3, 2008 2:05 PM


Ready for you to update your blog kids. Dont make me worry.

  Randy Hubbell Jun 10, 2008 3:51 AM



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