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There are [17] photos and [9] stories about Hungary

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Why Budapest since the EU?

Sunday, 18 Mar 2012 | Views [786]

Living in Budapest part time does not give me any credentials on the economy, the politics or anything of that sort. What I have noticed as someone that frequents Budapest since an early age is that since they became a part of the EU , money ... Read more >

Tags: top reasons to visit budapest, travel budapest, why budapest since the joining eu

Why Budapest since the EU?

Sunday, 18 Mar 2012 | Views [559]

Living in Budapest part time does not give me any credentials on the economy, the politics or anything of that sort. What I have noticed as someone that frequents Budapest since an early age is that since they became a part of the EU , money ... Read more >

Tags: top reasons to visit budapest, travel budapest, why budapest since the joining eu

My Bakonysarkany

Tuesday, 11 Oct 2011 | Views [638]

We dropped off our kids with my wonderful cousin Zsolti and his wife Detti while we travelled to France to check out possible real estate. In my mind I couldn’t have left them with anyone or anywhere else.... Read more >

Tags: bakonysarkany hungary, hungary, small town hungary, travel hungary with kids

Tobacco Street Synagogue

Wednesday, 28 Sep 2011 | Views [921]

I have been coming to Budapest my whole life, and had never been inside The Dohány Street Synagogue. We walk by it each and everyday, sometimes twice a day, and I always thought you had to be in the Jewish faith to enter. When I heard about ... Read more >

Tags: budapest synagogue, dohany street synagogue, travel with kids, travelling with kids

Top 6 Hungarian Family Secrets

Friday, 26 Aug 2011 | Views [2269]

Have I fed you? Then I have truly loved you. My love language has always been the same, since I was old enough to share my cookies; I have shown people through food, how much I love them. Here is my attempt at a ‘list’ entry. Blogging and lists come ... Read more >

Tags: favourite hungarian food, goulash soup, home made pasta, hungarian cooking, hungarian family recipes, hungarian paprikas

Photos: Vesprem Zoo

Sunday, 21 Aug 2011 | Photo Gallery

Lake Balaton Zoo
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Tags: budapest, inspirational family, international family, moving to europe, travel with kids, vesprem zoo

City of Queen Great for my Prince and Princess

Sunday, 21 Aug 2011 | Views [916]

A day at the zoo on a glorious summer day! Why not? Kittenberger Kálmán Garden and Zoo in Vesprem  is where we spent our last day on Lake Balaton.     What a lucky shot of a lemur and a tortoise. Housed together, giant old turtles roam ... Read more >

Tags: city of queens, international family, lake balaton, travel with kids, vesprem zoo

Budapest Great Circus

Sunday, 14 Aug 2011 | Views [1496]

Our day at the circus!             The Grand City Circus is located in Budapest’s City Park at the end of   Andrássy Avenue , and it’s entrance way is through  Heroes’ Square  a monument to the 12 Kings of Hungary. Beside ... Read more >

Tags: budapest circus, inspirational family, international family, travel with kids

'Piac' The Great Market Hall

Wednesday, 10 Aug 2011 | Views [825]

Market Day! Each morning we go out and buy our daily fresh foods, but usually we don’t make it as far as the Big Markets, with ABC, Tesco Express and Spar markets 3 on each city block! On special days, where I might crave a fresh Langos, or a Retes ... Read more >

Tags: budapest, family travel, international family, markets, travel with kids



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