We left the Hacienda La Alegria early today so we could attend the weekly Sunday market in Machachi. It was a great place to see how people in this area and in the surrounding mountains live. There were so many people walking around in town, stores were open and he markets were bustling. Mind you this was at 8:a.m. ok Sunday ,morning. There are two markets within walking distance of one Nother. The 1xt we attended was the Nimal market, the people all bring their animals in nylon bags and stand in a line hoping someone will our base what they have brouvht. We saw lots of fighting rosters, miniature chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, and other farm animals, including maggots or giant larvae. There was great activity and excitement in the air as people were hopeful to mzke a sale oc eigher their prized rabbits or guinea pigs.
We didn't buy and animals or maggots, but some of us did buy some salve from the maggots that is said to use any and every ailment known to man or woman. We headed to he vegetable market and tried all types of fruits, saw a hundred differ t types of grains, lots of potatoes and other vegetables. We tried several local fruits that were very tasty yet none of us had eaten them before. Here was lots of hustle and bustle and hundreds of people. Our guides Gabriel and Patricia were great at helping us safely navigate the roads and they steered us to vendors they knew could prov ide a variety of tasting opportunities that were guaranteed to be trustworthy and food safe. Following our visits to the market we returned to the ha ie .ca but not before stopping for he traditional market to pick up gin!upon returning to the Hacienda we were treated to a lovely breakfast that included fresh milk, fresh eggs and fresh fruit from the market. Fresh really hanged the taste of everything!