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A Year Without Ice Cubes One year through Africa and Asia

I'm baaaack

NEPAL | Monday, 27 July 2009 | Views [588] | Comments [2]

It's been a long long time, but finally videos have been uploaded, we are leaving Nepal, and I'm back on this here blog.  I think I've had writers block or something, plus we've been visiting villages and trekking where internet is not an option, but in anycase, there are a couple 'vlogs' up now to give you all an idea of what we've been up to.

Next (and probably final) stop: Malaysia.  Kind of impulsive decision, China didn't work out so we bought a flight ticket for Kuala Lumpur.  Not sure what to expect...we shall see...

Ah, but I will miss Nepal...



Came into work today and watched all of your last three video blogs. Fantastique!! I bet that video for India is going to feel really nostalgic to Uncle Larry.....loved the Bollywood music matched to it. You've had such joie de vivre through out this adventure (though I know there have been "moments"). Hope it isn't too disorienting coming back to the states!

Had a GREAT time with your parents and fellow siblings for a week on a lake in NY a couple of weeks ago. Lots of vineyards (around the Finger lakes) and I'm sure you'll be experiencing some of the vino your parents got when you get back. A hug to you , Aunt Lynn

  Aunt Lynn Jul 27, 2009 9:58 PM


I love your videos--great music and dancing in India and wish I could have been with you on top of the bus to Raj's village. The trecking sounds awesome and I am very, very proud of you both for the 11 day treck--not so easy at that attitude. Have a wonderful remaining journey!

  Hope Aug 1, 2009 1:42 PM



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