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A Year Without Ice Cubes One year through Africa and Asia

Trip: Back in the USA

There are [2] stories from my trip: Back in the USA

My final blog entry

USA | Monday, 7 Dec 2009 | Views [986] | Comments [1] | Video

Well, this is it.  A few months belated, but I am officially retiring this blog.  Because, let's face it, my year through Africa and Asia without ice cubes ended 3 months ago when my plane touched down in Honolulu.  Then I was in 'vacation' mode (different ... Read more >

Our final vlog...

USA | Monday, 7 Dec 2009 | Views [715] | Comments [2] | Video

Saying our goodbyes and thank yous, and reminiscing a bit about Hawaii.  We actually did much more during our 2 months on the islands than what's mentioned in this video, like hiking around the volcanoes on the Big Island while crashing in Gary and ... Read more >