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A Year Without Ice Cubes One year through Africa and Asia

Trip: One week left!

There are [5] stories from my trip: One week left!

Gallery: In Transit

USA | Thursday, 18 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

2 days of travel...ugh
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Jolly Old London

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 16 Sep 2008 | Views [679] | Comments [2]

Michelle and I left DC yesterday and took an overnight flight to London.   We didn’t get much sleep on the plane, and England time is ahead of DC time, so we basically lost a whole night and are now severely sleep deprived.   But no worries, we’re ... Read more >

Tags: heathrow, london

Applying for visas is fun!

USA | Friday, 12 Sep 2008 | Views [821]

As our departure date looms ever closer, Michelle and I have been trying to tie up all loose ends. We decided to get some tourist visas before we leave the U.S. so we don't have to get them all at the borders, which is a good idea but unfortunately ... Read more >

Tags: embassies, visas

Gallery: Before...

USA | Tuesday, 9 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

Soon to be after.
See all 5 photos >>

Yep, just one week left!

USA | Tuesday, 9 Sep 2008 | Views [824]

Just got back to my parents' house in Maryland. I had a great weekend up in New York/New Haven, it was soooo nice to see everyone up there and hang out and say goodbyes.  And after my short visit, I have been convinced to attempt to keep a decent ... Read more >

Tags: blog, maryland