Mum, we are alive!
Today we got up early and left Rotorua. We stopped at he Waitimo caves, where we sat in a park for three hours while the rest of our group went blackwater rafting (rafting in caves!) we really wanted to go but needed to conserve money!
We left Waitimo and headed straigt to Taupo. We had a quick stop at Huka falls then half our group caught a bus to go skydiving... I was SO terrified! It was great though, once the initial jup from the pane was over! It was a really clear sunny day so we had awsome views over lake Taupo and some snow capped mountains :) I wish I could do it again!
We are now in our ostel in Taupo, and are leaving for Wellington tomorrow morning. Wish we could stay longer but we would get held up in another town if we did :(
better go, lots of people waiting for the net!
ps, Mum- no more dangerous acivities for about a week now! love you :)