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A (cook)book of memories

Perfect White Sandcastles

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 24 May 2015 | Views [236] | Scholarship Entry

‘I can see it! The beach!’ Asher pointed. Through the windscreen, a glimpse of blue water and sand could be seen filtering through the trees ahead. He swung his red bucket in glee. ‘Do you think this is the right place? There are no other cars here…’ ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship


NICARAGUA | Sunday, 11 May 2014 | Views [304] | Scholarship Entry

The man on the back of the ute shouts through a loudspeaker in emphatic Spanish. The students, Universidad de Ingeneria Managua emblazoned on their shirts, stamp in agreement on the dusty road. Cars honk incessantly, demanding to be let through. Occasionally ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

Passport & Plate - Laap

LAOS | Wednesday, 12 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Ingredients • 500g meat (can be fish, chicken, pork) - diced • 200g banana flower – diced • ½ tbsp lemon juice (or to taste) • ½ tbsp Chilli powder (or to taste) • 1 tbsp Fish sauce (or to taste) • 3 spring onions, chopped finely • A handful of finely ... Read more >
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Tags: Passport & Plate: ITALY 2014

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