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Tales from Sri Lanka

Gallery: Sri Lanka

SRI LANKA | Sunday, 20 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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My last English class

SRI LANKA | Wednesday, 16 Jul 2008 | Views [1225]

Another cloudy overcast day for my last day of ‘working’, as tomorrow is a ‘Poya day’, - a Buddhist holiday, everyone gets a day off, yay! So, today instead of working at Titus’ house we must clean the turtle tanks, which we would usually do tomorrow.... Read more >

Cool Breeze

SRI LANKA | Tuesday, 15 Jul 2008 | Views [846]

Wonderful, glorious cool weather! I didn’t think I could be happy to see cloudy grey skies, but I am. The coolness and the breeze seem to have swept away yesterdays lethargy and today we are all new people. This is my last day working at Titus’ ... Read more >

Back to work

SRI LANKA | Monday, 14 Jul 2008 | Views [683]

Well, I guess it was inevitable - I have the runs. No trip to Asia would be complete without it I guess. (Sorry to all those who may be offended by the the inner workings of my bowels.) So after a rather sleepless night I get dressed in my now rather ... Read more >

Tea Plantation

SRI LANKA | Sunday, 13 Jul 2008 | Views [966]

Today we make the trip back home to Kosgoda. However, first we make a stop at a tea factory just outside of Kandy. Before we even step in the front door to the tea factory I can smell…tea, the smell is so pungent it’s like the walls have been sprayed ... Read more >

Exploring Kandy

SRI LANKA | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [1333]

Today we saw the sites of Kandy, including the Botanical Gardens, a Batik factory and a woodcarving factory, wandered the central bazaar and vegetable markets and also caught the Kandy dancing show, which was pretty impressive. But by far the most interesting ... Read more >

Off to Kandy

SRI LANKA | Friday, 11 Jul 2008 | Views [816]

The weekend is here! Well kinda…we have taken an early mark and skipped cleaning the beach to head to Kandy. Kandy is the capital city of the hill country and is a good five hours drive from Kosgoda. Only half an hour into our travels we head inland ... Read more >

The turtle hatchery

SRI LANKA | Thursday, 10 Jul 2008 | Views [3406]

Today we have a change in plan. No construction work today (my arms are quite relieved). Instead we head across the road to the turtle hatchery. Here we empty all the turtle tanks, clean them, by scrub them with brushes and dried coconut shells (surprisingly ... Read more >

Getting into the groove

SRI LANKA | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [1205] | Comments [1]

The first thing on my mind when I wake is… what on earth am I going to teach these children and how in hell am I going to control them? But, before I can worry about teaching, we get in our daggy t-shirts and head to Titus’ house again. Where, having ... Read more >

The real work begins

SRI LANKA | Tuesday, 8 Jul 2008 | Views [749]

I wake at 7.30am with a groan. Rosie, my room mate and I are each curled up in our seperate single beds with our mosquito nets around us, like a protective blanket. After shaking off the sleep we head up to breakfast at the dining table, where all meals ... Read more >

Heading to Kosgoda

SRI LANKA | Monday, 7 Jul 2008 | Views [862]

Everyone has arrived and we are ready to go. First though, orientation! So after an hour or two of what to do and what not to do and a rather pathetic attempt to pick up some of the lingo, we are ready to start (we hope). Dudley Perera who runs the ... Read more >

Mt. Lavinia

SRI LANKA | Sunday, 6 Jul 2008 | Views [1220]

I wake up early at around 5.30am (either it’s jetlag or something is very wrong with me). After reading my guidebook for a few hours I decide it’s time to go exploring. I haul myself out of bed and turn my creaky ceiling fan off as I shut the door. ... Read more >


SRI LANKA | Saturday, 5 Jul 2008 | Views [850]

Touch down! Hurrah, I am finally here! After a few weeks of rushed preparations I have landed in Sri Lanka. I get off the plane and am immediately hit by the heat and humidity, what am I doing where all these layers of clothes? Two seconds off the ... Read more >

About susannah_palk

yummo, coconut!!

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