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A monsoon melodrama

VIETNAM | Monday, 20 Jul 2009 | Views [663] | Comments [1]

Today I left my students apartment at 6pm to find that it had started raining while I was inside. Luckily I had pre-empted this and parked my bike under cover. Unfortunately, the parking attendants were up to their old tricks and had moved my bike ... Read more >

Eight simple things

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 8 Jul 2009 | Views [525]

Everything in Vietnam is fast-paced: traffic moves fast, economies grow quickly, buildings are thrown up in months and the weather changes in a blink of an eye. While for the most part living in such a rapidly changing environment is very exciting, ... Read more >

Four Seasons Good, Two Seasons Bad

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 3 Jun 2009 | Views [731]

On November 19th 2008, I boarded a plane from Heathrow destined for Ho Chi Minh City. At the time I was wearing a jacket and scarf which, have not been worn since. Living in a tropical climate while my friends and family moaned and groaned about the ... Read more >


VIETNAM | Tuesday, 12 May 2009 | Views [555]

Travel-Sick Being sick is never fun but there is nothing worse then being sick away from home. You may think I am using this as a figure of speech but I genuinely believe that being really sick in an unfamiliar environment is a highly ... Read more >

The price of being white

VIETNAM | Thursday, 16 Apr 2009 | Views [1322]

The price of being white In four days time I will have been in Vietnam for five months. For me this marks quite significant length of time and proves that I have been able to adapt and thrive on the other side of the world. However, ... Read more >

The problem with Vietnam is…

VIETNAM | Monday, 6 Apr 2009 | Views [673]

The problem with Vietnam is the Vietnamese, and no I don’t mean the people, I am referring to the language. Before I even set foot in Vietnam I had decided that it was of upmost importance that I, at least attempted, to learn the local language.... Read more >

Friday 13th

VIETNAM | Friday, 13 Feb 2009 | Views [567] | Comments [4]

For some people, Friday the 13 th marks a day of misfortune where we all should live in fear of being cursed by ill fate. For me, however, Friday the 13 th marks nothing more then another day on the calendar. Pretty much all my life I have believed ... Read more >

Cambodia's rise in intonation

CAMBODIA | Friday, 6 Feb 2009 | Views [488] | Comments [3]

The economic world seems to be plagued by rises: rising prices, rising interest rates, rising debts and, most recently, a rising rate of unemployment. However, in the Kingdom of Cambodia a new type of rise has come to plague the consumer, a rise in ... Read more >

Gallery: Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Sunday, 1 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

Photos from my week long trip to Phnom Penn and Angkor Wat over the TET holiday
See all 50 photos >>

Happy New Year

VIETNAM | Thursday, 1 Jan 2009 | Views [428] | Comments [1] | Video

After going to Mui Ne for Christmas I decided to stay in Saigon for New Years. Nobody was up for paying loads of money for drinks in some overpriced club downtown so we decided instead to go to a local park in Saigon where they had constructed a huge ... Read more >

Vietnam, Number One!

VIETNAM | Sunday, 28 Dec 2008 | Views [397]

Last Sunday night was a big night for in Vietnam’s sporting history. Vietnam’s national football team defeated three-time winners Thailand in the AFF Suzuki Cup. It was a close final with Vietnam only needing a draw to take the trophy (they were one ahead ... Read more >


VIETNAM | Friday, 26 Dec 2008 | Views [334] | Comments [1]

As we had two days off for Christmas, eight of us decided to escape the pollution of Ho Chi Minh City and head to Mui Ne, a coastal resort about 4 to 5 hours drive away. The town is basically one long road full of hotels, restaurants, bars and spas all ... Read more >

Round Round Get Around

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 23 Dec 2008 | Views [372] | Video

Saigon is famous for its’ millions of motorbikes - literally, there are estimated to be at least three million bikes in city. The traffic in Saigon has become a marketing venture with postcards available depicting the busy streets. As a result of the ... Read more >

ILA Christmas Party

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 16 Dec 2008 | Views [506] | Comments [1]

This weekend was my second week of full-time teaching, although it was still tough it wasn’t half as bad as the previous weekend. There was also the added bonus of the ILA Christmas Party, an event much anticipated by the ILA staff. The party ... Read more >


VIETNAM | Sunday, 7 Dec 2008 | Views [378]

I’ve just finished my first two days teaching; on Saturday I taught four two-hour classes and today I had three two-hour classes. That’s a total of fourteen hours over the weekend which is allot of teaching! What really takes the time is the lesson ... Read more >

Induction Week

VIETNAM | Wednesday, 3 Dec 2008 | Views [378]

It has been two weeks since I arrived and I figure this is a good to write about my first impressions and how they have changed over the course of the 14 days. After my rather euphoric experience in Hong Kong, I was brought back to reality upon arrival ... Read more >

Hong Kong

HONG KONG | Thursday, 20 Nov 2008 | Views [385]

I love Hong Kong, however I am only basing this judgement on the fact that they provide free Wi-Fi in their airport. As my entire trip to Hong Kong consists only of a flight transfer in the airport this has left me with a very good general impression ... Read more >

Counting down the days...

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 13 Nov 2008 | Views [393]

 It’s just under a week now until V-day (i.e. until I set off for Vietnam) and I’m growing gradually more and more nervous. So much to do in so little time, but thankfully I have nothing else holding me back (i.e. I'm unemployed). This is not without ... Read more >

Gallery: The Mekong Delta

VIETNAM | Tuesday, 15 Jan 2008 | Photo Gallery

Photos from my two day trip to the Mekong Delta in January
See all 18 photos >>

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