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Travelling South America

Photos: Lake Titicaca and Isla del Sol

BOLIVIA | Friday, 15 Nov 2013 | Photo Gallery

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San Pedro de Atacama

CHILE | Friday, 15 Nov 2013 | Views [354]

Finally arrived in a country where pollution matters, police are fairly honest and reliable and life is pretty easy.   The second you enter Chile at the Border you notice the difference, proper computers, bag scanners, formal office, free ... Read more >

Salar de Uyuni

BOLIVIA | Friday, 15 Nov 2013 | Views [401]

In the trusty hands of Walter, our Bolivian driver, we we set off in a big 4 x 4 with 2 Germans and 2 Irish, none of us capable of speaking good enough Spanish to properly communicate with him.  He was great, providing excellent food, briliant driving ... Read more >

La Paz

BOLIVIA | Friday, 15 Nov 2013 | Views [375]

We have heard you either love Bolivia or you hate it, mostly because it is a little chaotic.  This is the same for La Paz, which is currently competing to be a Wonder City for South America.  It probably won´t be successful this time ... Read more >

Lake Titicaca and Isla del Sol

BOLIVIA | Friday, 15 Nov 2013 | Views [404]

Brilliant to be out of Peru and back in ´real´South America.  Copacabana town on the edge of the lake is pretty touristy, but very nice.  Here we stayed in a hotel next to the infamous Bolivian Navy - the only inland navy in the ... Read more >

Salkantay trek to Macchu Picchu

PERU | Thursday, 10 Oct 2013 | Views [498]

We left Cuzco at 5am to join the trek to Macchu Picchu.  Starting at Sayllapata (altitude 3300m), we climbed to Soraypampa (3700m) to set up camp.  I was so nervous I'd be the most unfit and not cope with the altitude, but luckily Damian ... Read more >

Photos: Hike to Machu Picchu

PERU | Thursday, 10 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

The high trail hike.
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Photos: Cuzco, Piscac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero, Urubamba and Qoricancha

PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Boat trip from Iquitos and jungle tour

PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Sun and Moon temple (Trujillo)

PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

These are the remains of the sun and moon temples (that´s what archaeologists call every Inca building here). There are the remains of a third large structure but having run out of large objects in the sky, they´re calling that another moon temple. ... Read more >
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Photos: Chan Chan (near Huanchaco)

PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Chachapoyas and 3 hour trip (approx 60km) to Kuelap

PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

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PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Views [271]

Arriving in Cuzco was great after the jungle, a white washed city full of tourists and nice looking restaurants.  We bought a 10 day tourist ticket, which is a bit of a waste of money, as we did get a bit sick of Inca Ruins after doing 4 in one ... Read more >

Iquitos and the Amazon Rainforest

PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Views [441]

We made a bit of a mistake here.  We should have gone to Iquitos from Chachapoyas (via Tarapoto) which would have saved us some money, but the books are not very clear, so we didn't realise the flights stop on route from Lima.  So we went all ... Read more >

Huanchaco, Peru

PERU | Thursday, 3 Oct 2013 | Views [403]

This is a brilliant little fishing town just north of Trujillo.  We ended up staying here for 6 days as it was so relaxing.  The local fishermen use boats that look like large surf boards made out of reeds to fish in the shallow water. ... Read more >

Photos: Vilcabamba, Ecuador

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 2 Oct 2013 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: To Cuenca

ECUADOR | Monday, 30 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

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PERU | Saturday, 21 Sep 2013 | Views [328]

We would not have bothered with this route had we known how long it took in advance.  It took most of the day, starting very early, a bus, a taxi, a border crossing, a combi (taxi for the first four people to arrive) and then another larger minibus ... Read more >

Vilcabamba, Ecuador

ECUADOR | Saturday, 21 Sep 2013 | Views [461]

From Galapagos we flew back to Guayaquil and just missed the direct bus to Loja. Rather than stay in sin city again we opted to head back to Cuenca instead. The elderly lady at Posada Todos Santos was as surprised and happy to see us as last time. We ... Read more >

Photos: Huanchaco, Peru (learning to surf)

PERU | Saturday, 21 Sep 2013 | Photo Gallery

Excellent training by a very patient Chicho from Muchik surf school. This guy was brilliant. My second lesson and I stood up almost everytime. Hard to believe I know, but shows how good Chicho was more than me. Next lesson I hope to catch the waves myself ... Read more >
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