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Sorkoo Adventures


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "planning".


USA | Thursday, 11 May 2017 | Views [763]

One of the things about this trip that has stressed me out the most is packing. I've never lived out of a small backpack for a long period of time. I've camped for a week but camping doesn't require city clothes. And I've always had the luxury of my ... Read more >

Tags: packing, planning

The travel plan

USA | Saturday, 11 Mar 2017 | Views [397]

I get two reactions when I tell people that we are quitting our jobs and traveling the world for 6 months.  Are you crazy? That's so awesome. I'm jealous. Can I come too? Personally, I fall into both camps. Are we crazy? Probably! ... Read more >

Tags: planning

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