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On the Road to Adventure How can we call this place earth, when clearly it is ocean..

Photos, More Photos, and then a few more Photos!

NEW ZEALAND | Wednesday, 13 May 2009 | Views [968] | Video

I cant be dealing with putting all of my photos on here and on facebook, and i promised other people they would go up on facebook, so now that ive finally gotten around to putting some pictures online im going to use this entry to keep links to all ... Read more >

Feb and March in Brief...

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 12 Apr 2009 | Views [492]

So for those of you who may have suspected i have fallen off the bottom of the earth, im afraid it is not so. I am still in New Zealand and have spent the last 2 months staying with the Kennedys in Waimate, South Island. I found these guys through the ... Read more >

Kia Ora New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Sunday, 22 Feb 2009 | Views [1019] | Comments [1]

I should start this entry with a warning.. there may be a substantial amount of horse anecdotes in the next few entrys.. it will become clear why this is over the next few lines... So after a long days travelling from cairns to sydney and then sydney ... Read more >

Tags: horses, milking cows

The Dregs of Australia...

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 20 Feb 2009 | Views [681]

So i left Australia almost 3 weeks ago and im only just getting round to completing my description of our australian adventure. Disgraceful. Ill pick up where i left off at the start of our second day in the Whitsunday islands... After having such a ... Read more >

Rain, rain go away come again another day!!

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 31 Jan 2009 | Views [585]

As i write this im sat in our hostel in Cairns looking out the window at monsoonal rains, with the knowledge that a big storm with gale force winds is winging its way towards us. I knew when we decided to come to cairns that it was the wet season but ... Read more >

Another mammoth update.

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 22 Jan 2009 | Views [634]

Well if you got throught the last update im impressed, ive been terrible at keeping this up to date because whenever we have been online we have been trying to sort out jobs for new zealand and that seems to take up the entire hour. Luckily i am also ... Read more >

Finally Updating this thing...

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 6 Jan 2009 | Views [471] | Comments [1]

Well apologies for not updating this in weeks, i have not only been running around like a headless chicken, i have had no internet for some of the time so been unable to update unless i go to macdonalds and steal there free wifi, if i do that i feel ... Read more >

A sydneysider..

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 16 Dec 2008 | Views [474]

well havent i been a busy little bee over the last few days.. admittedly i did spend the first few days doing very little other than getting my bearings of the city... i cant remember what i had been doing in the last blog so forgive any repetition.... Read more >

My First Proper Day in Sydney..

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 11 Dec 2008 | Views [468]

after lots of hangning about in the park yesterday i went and hung about in the station where i met lots more lovely friendly people and then met up with kate.. we went over to her grandmas house for a family dinner for her grammys birthday,i had a great ... Read more >

Tags: opera house, sydney

Gallery: The start of Sydney!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 11 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 41 photos >>

One has arrived...

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 10 Dec 2008 | Views [483] | Comments [1]

Well after my lovely long flight i have arrived in Sydney and not managed to get myself into any trouble yet despite my best efforts to the contrary. The flight was ok, had a nice man next to me on the flight to bangkok who offered me sleeping pills, ... Read more >

Jeez Louise

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 7 Dec 2008 | Views [504]

I sound like a right moany mary in that last blog and it totally isnt how i felt, more exuberantly happy but too snowed under to show it. We are now back in St Albans and im already missing the seaside, but soon ill be by the sea on t'otherside of the ... Read more >

Time Flys...

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 3 Dec 2008 | Views [503]

Well im due to fly out to Sydney on the 8th Dec and it just feels like time is rushing forward to that date and im being left behind struggling under a mountain of things to do. I've definately decided that buying a house just before leaving was not ... Read more >

Gallery: Camp America 2006

USA | Thursday, 7 Sep 2006 | Photo Gallery

NJ, NY, Orlando and LA
See all 96 photos >>

Gallery: Camps International 2004

KENYA | Wednesday, 1 Sep 2004 | Photo Gallery

Community Project and Coral Reef Conservation
See all 131 photos >>

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