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On the Loose So, Here I go!! I will add updates frequently with pic's so you can all live vicariously through me!! and join me whenever possible- Love and Peace to you all, I will miss you, hoping to be back soon with a whole new life!!

Amazing Thanksgiving

TANZANIA | Thursday, 22 November 2007 | Views [584] | Comments [1]

Amazing Thanksgiving!!!!!
We met with the Head of the School, a kind woman who was very knowledgeable and spoke English very well.  She answered our questions and told us of the schools needs...Mainly money for more buildings as they are unable to get teachers to come without the offer of accomadations and at the moment they do not have that  to offer.  There are 273 girls at the school full time right now in Forms 1 thru 6 and they live there full time.  They are amazing..friendly, smiling and English speaking, their first language is Swahili and then Maasai.  We were given a tour of the school by Rhionan, Marcia's sponsored child.

The girls sleep in dorms arranged in a circle around a chapel with a large open courtyard.  the classrooms and library as well as the cafeteria are all included in the circle.  Girls are called to assemble by a clang on a tree with a sequence banged to identify each form.  We got to see the inside of Rhinan's room, shared by 4 girls in 2 bunkbeds.  The girls are chosen to be given sponsors based on their abilities displayed in Primary school and there families level of support.  They are seeking out girls who excel even without any support from their families, girls who's families do not think educations is important and would rather the children not be in school, it is this child with such a drive to learn and become educated that the school is looking to in a sense rescue and educate, they are often times "taken" with the help of government and brought immediately after primary school to Monduli where the will live and begin form 1.  After they have completed form 2 they must take an examination which if they pass they will go on to forms 3 and 4,where after completion they will again be tested and if they excel will get to go on to forms 5 and 6 after which they will apply for college or university.

We were able to meet several beautiful girls and take part in their prayer service held in the outdoor chapel at 5:30pm.  The girls have no supervision of teacher leaders,they all know where and when they are suppose to be places and get there and quiet down and follow thru on their own, so organized and mature for their ages.

The prayer service was INCREDIBLE! we had asked that they sing for us and they obliged.  It was beautiful and moving in a way that had tears streaming down my cheeks!  Their voices were angelic and echoed in volume throughout the chapel.  their were prayers in Swahili and then sung prayers and then one of the girls in Form 5 or 6 who had come to sit with us and explain the service announced they would be doing a few songs in Swahili and English.  The choir stood and danced and acted out a few songs, it was so amazing!  I felt moved through my entire core!!  We were welcomed and asked to stand and introduce ourselves...with all those beautiful eyes watching and waiting.  The girls are so beautiful,they all have their hair cut short,shaved and they have uniforms that tell which form they are in, their eyes are deep and inquisitive and very friendly yet timid.

After the service we walk the campus again and watch as the sun sets and the moon rises, it is a beautiful evening, the roosters are crowing and a coffee field surrounds the outside perimeter of the school, the girls pick the beans, roast and sell them., We are then brought in for our Thanksgiving dinner!!

We were given a plate and a spoon and then some of the girls brought over 2 pots.  We waited for the prayer and Rhiando served us a plateful of rice covered with beans, all the other girls were served on tin plates and had nothing to drink...and no dessert....It was the most humbling and thankful Thanksgiving I have ever had.  I thought of my family and the big gathering they were all at and how lucky I am to have each and everyone of them and their love and support as I tried to imagine most of these girls parents do not support them, or the idea of education...I am so blessed.

Tags: Friends



Amen! we are blessed by you my dear girl. Love, Mom

  Mom Dec 3, 2007 10:46 AM



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