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How To Win the Next Election

CANADA | Sunday, 7 January 2007 | Views [640]

I think that one thing the more liberal politically-motivated folks are realizing in the past few years is that the main reason that we have been losing power in the last few decades is that our friends who are minorities or who subsist in lower income brackets have felt increasingly powerless to change the status quo. Because we have been discovering that more people who would vote for progressive candidates seem to not get around to voting than people who would vote for conservative candidates, the simple solution then is to get more of our powerless-feeling friends to the polls. For the next election, I propose the "Buddy System," where each voting individual adopts a "Buddy." The voter not only makes certain that their Buddy is registered in time for the vote, they also personally accompany (if necessary) this Buddy to the voting booth. If absentee ballot is chosen, then they are personally seeing to it that the ballot gets both received and mailed in time to be counted. The Practicing Voter does NOT tell their Buddy how to vote, and offers advice only if asked. The best advice of course is to tell them, "Research it yourself!" While the Buddy will be understandably mildly annoyed by this process, I believe they will forgive their adoptee and friend the moment the voting results return and they realize, "Wow! Maybe I DID make a difference. Maybe I DO have the power to change what does not make me happy!" The other part of this puzzle is to have very vocal vote-counters who watchdog the process even more assiduously than before.

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