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Travel Photography Scholarship 2010 - Kingdom of Bhutan - Applications have now closed

BHUTAN | Friday, 3 September 2010 | Views [189213] | Comments [111]

Winner announced!


Join an on-assignment National Geographic photographer in Bhutan!

Applications Closed October 17th 2010, at midnight Australian Eastern Daylight Time (GMT +11)


Worldnomads.com, National Geographic Channel & JoJo's Adventures Bhutan are giving one exceptional individual the chance to go on assignment with renowned wildlife photographer Jason Edwards to The Kingdom of Bhutan - land of the Thunderdragon!

This your chance to photograph the deeply spiritual and mystical Bhutan as it slowly opens up to the modern world, maintaining a strong balance with its ancient traditions. Nestled in the Himalayas, bordering India and China, 65% of Bhutan is under forest cover, making its pristine ecology home to rare and endangered flora and fauna.

To help you take the best photos, the scholarship recipient will receive AU$2000 worth of Pentax photographic equipment of your choice.

Your best photos will be published on the National Geographic Channel's website where they will be viewed by thousands of travellers worldwide, offering you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get your foot in the door of one of the most revered exploration organisations in the world!

Highly regarded for his wildlife and remote landscape photography, Jason Edwards is represented by National Geographic Image Collection.

Your Assignment Brief

* We'll fly you in from your country of residence to Paro, Bhutan where you will meet your JoJo's Adventure guide for your 7 day trip. You'll need to be available to be in Bhutan between December 5 - December 12, 2010.

* On the trip, which has been specifically designed for the assignment,you will work alongside Jason Edwards photographing rare and endangered wildlife in the Phobjikha Valley including the White Bellied Heron(there are only 200 left in the world, and 30 live in this valley)Black Necked Cranes. The trip will also include historical architecture and traditional Bhutanese culture.

* You willgain invaluable mentoring and hands-on experience in everything from shot set up, technique and composition through to insights into his many years of diverse experience as an award winning photographer.

* Your assignment will involve observing and assisting Jason as well as undertaking your own photographic work. This will involve long days chasing the perfect shot!

* You will keep a daily diary about your time on the trip and upload this to a WorldNomads.com travel journal, including pictures you've taken.

* On your return you will submit your top photographs to National Geographic Channel for publication on www.natgeotv.com.au.(See Anna Zhu's photos, our winner from 2009, and her exhibition at Michaels)

* Most of all, you'll be experiencing what it's like to be a photographer-on assignment with National Geographic!

Who can apply

* Anyone can apply - this is open to photography students, lovers of photography or any non-professional trying to kickstart a career in travel photography.

* Minimum age 18 with a good level of fitness as there is trekking involved.

* This is a global opportunity - you may apply from any country.

* You should be an exceptional photographer with a lust for adventure, ambition to grow your photographic skills and forge a career in Travel Photography, and of course a desire to travel to Bhutan.

* Remember this is a scholarship, a learning experience, and therefore will not be suitable for professional or Semi-professional photographers.

* Find out more about eligibility in our FAQ video blog

Apply now

Please look carefully at the 4 steps required to complete your application.
If your photos are not ready, we suggest you come back later to complete this entry.

1. Shoot a series of photos (maximum of 5) that tell a story about a place you have visited. 'Place' may be anywhere; somewhere in your own community or much further away. The judges will be looking for:

* originality
* ability to convey a story through photos
* excellent technique

Please see our FAQ video blog about the theme, making digital adjustments and Jason's judging criteria.

2. Add your photos to worldnomads.com. Firstly create a journal, which is where your photos will be hosted, and fill in the entry form. Upload your photos either as a Flikr set or directly in the journal. (If you are already a member or have a journal, please sign-in.) * Please don't remove the tags and title of the gallery we have set up for you - this is how we find you *.

3. Tell us in 300 words or less about your photos and why you should be chosen. Your written response will have significant weighting in the judging process, so think carefully about why you should be chosen. Remember this is a learning opportunity, not a junket for professional photographers.

4. Finally the legal bit. You know the Terms and Conditions of entry.

One entry per person

Applications close: Midnight, October 17, 2010 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time)

The recipient of the Scholarship, along with the best entries will be published on WorldNomads.com on November 1, 2010.

Check out our finalists and shortlist from 2009 along with judge's comments.

More Questions?

Take a look at our FAQ's video blog which provides more details on the task, technical guidelines, judging criteria, eligibility and more.

Photos courtesy of Christopher Potter





Travel. Learn. Create.

For all of you aspiring creatives, check out our Scholarships page and sign up to hear about our latest opportunities, tips, advice and interviews with industry professionals in the fields of photography, travel writing and filmmaking.

And if you're lucky enough to be mentored by one of our industry professionals, it could kick start your career!

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I think your "Jason" videos describing the contest are set to private. At least that's what my computer is telling me. Do you have a way to make the public or another way to research questions about the competition? Thanks.

That's not very helpful! Thanks for picking this up, all videos are now public.

  Interested Aug 5, 2010 2:18 AM


I was wondering if pictures can be submitted to other NG competition? Is it exclusively for WN? Thank you.

Hi Cassie, You will need to check the terms and conditions of the other competition in regards to what rights they might have to the photo/s you are entering. World Nomads does not ask for exclusivity for the photos you submit for the scholarship application.

  cassie Aug 9, 2010 12:08 PM


I am a bit confused on the theme...maybe i am over thinking it.

Could you clarify if all the photos have to be part of one story from one place or they can all tell different stories from different places?

Because in one part of your rules it says series of photos of a place telling a story but in another section it says every individual photo must tell a story?

Thank you so much.

  Sana Aug 10, 2010 4:48 PM


Hello, I would like to apply for this photography scholarship. However, I obeserved that most African countries are not included in the list. For instance, Nigeria is not included in the list. For aspiring applicants from this country such as myself, we might not be able to apply. Hope to hear from you soon.

  Jan Aug 10, 2010 5:35 PM


Hi, I was wondering, will I still be able to apply if I'll be turning 18 shortly after the closing of entries?(Meaning by the 5th of December, I'll be 18)


  Mario Aug 10, 2010 9:36 PM


Hi guys.

Sana - have you watched the FAQ video blog on this? I think it will answer your question;

Jan - you also need to see to the FAQ blog. Im not sure what list you are referring to, but you can apply from ANY country.

Mario - yes provided you are 18 at the time of the assignment, you can apply.


  scholarships Aug 11, 2010 12:51 PM


Hi, can I take photos from analog camera with film then I scan it to digital? I think there's no rule about it.

  sarah Aug 12, 2010 11:38 AM


I am 41 years old, single, Namibian citizenship. I am desperate to join the scholarship travel.
I eager to study and travel at the same time.

  Rosalia Fotolela Aug 12, 2010 6:25 PM


Hi Everyone,

7) Sarah yes you can shoot in analogue and scan the negatives or transparencies. Have a look at the video blogs to see about what we would like done to the scans you create. The same principles apply to the type of digital files you would create.

8) Rosalla, yes please give it your best shot. I love Namibia it's a wonderful country!


  Jason Edwards Aug 13, 2010 8:13 AM


My study at college will be finished in September, 2010. The scholarship was opening till October, 2010. I am now eligibility (student photography, over 18 year old, no income from any photography activities).
But after graduated I maybe find a job (e.g: a photojournalist _means a fulltime job with all income from photography). In this case, can I still apply or can’t?

  mike Aug 13, 2010 5:13 PM


Do the images have to be the same sizes? is it better if they are?
thanks! :)

  bianca Aug 14, 2010 12:11 PM


That week is finals week for a lot of quarter system schools...

  isimpelo Aug 14, 2010 11:59 PM


Hi Everyone,

10) Mike, I will get back to you.

11) Bianca, yes please make them the same size as they will look better if they are.

12) Isimpelo, sorry that's unfortunate but it's when we are scheduled to go. By the end of 2010 I will have been on back-to-back assignments since September 2009. I have no other time vacant and we need to match the travel with the seasons and certain bird migrations.


  Jason Edwards Aug 15, 2010 9:00 PM


Do we need to tag our post? I didn't read the rule, but how could you find all the journal entries?

Sarah - yes the post will already be tagged with "Travel Photography Scholarship 2010, #2010wnphoto", so please leave the tags as is, this is how we find you.
Please do read all the rules & FAQs before posting here. The terms and conditions are very important.


  sarah Aug 16, 2010 1:53 AM


I do not have digital camera, but I wish to participate in the travel photography contest 2010. Could I use color film instead of black and white?

Thanks & Regards

  Aspirant Aug 16, 2010 2:44 PM


Hello All,

Aspirant - yes please check the FAQ blog about this;
You can use colour film.

Mike - Its difficult to address a 'what if scenario'! Yes, it sounds like you are eligible now, but you wont be eligible if you are working as a photographer. So perhaps you apply - and withdraw your application if you become ineligible.

Hi all,

Please don't remove the title of your post "My Photo Scholarship 2010" or the tags "Travel Photography Scholarship 2010, #2010wnphoto" when uploading your photos . This is how we will find your entry.

If you remove them or rename them, the judges may not find your entry. This is very important!

  scholarships Aug 16, 2010 3:38 PM


hello I have two questions.first, dose equipments affects on my participating?
the second question , how many lucky people will win the photography scholarship.
thanks, eid

  eid Aug 16, 2010 8:32 PM


Hi Eid,

No equipment is not a factor in deciding the winner, it is decided on your entries and written components. Only one person will win the scholarship.


  Jason Edwards Aug 16, 2010 8:57 PM


I've entered a few photo albums. Can they all be entered into the scholarship competition, or is it one entry per person?

Hi Alexryan - There is only ONE entry per person. You are welcome to leave your other albums on your journal - but please rename them as something different so the judge's are clear which set if your entry.

  alexryan Aug 17, 2010 11:29 AM


can this be of wildlife

  greg Gosden Aug 18, 2010 12:57 AM


Hi there . . . JE, my english is very poor . . .can I do my sing in? And I have to send maximum of 5 pics . . . Can I send pics the different places? tks

  Junior Aug 19, 2010 5:13 AM


Hi Greg,
Please check out the Faq video blog about what constitutes place;


Its basically up to you - so long as you think you are telling story about a place.

Junior - if you click on the 'Apply Now' button it will take you through a step by step how to apply. Unfortunately this is only in English, so you will need to have basic English to get through the application. Also please keep in mind that the mentorship will be in English (Jason Edwards), so you do will need a decent level of English.

  scholarships Aug 19, 2010 8:13 AM


Hi there,
I just uploaded my entry and the images appear to have lost a fair bit of color (less saturated/vibrant). Is this normal?
I have my screen set to Adobe RGB 1998 and the color space for the images is also adobe RBG 1998.
Thanks, Lachlan.

  lachlang Aug 19, 2010 5:25 PM


hi there!
my question is bsically which visas do i need in case I win this scholarship

  cris Aug 20, 2010 2:16 AM


Hi, Great comp!
I have a question, If you are entering images of people do you need a model release? Or anything like that?
Thank you.

  tom frost Aug 21, 2010 7:12 AM


are black n white pictures accepted??

  benacris Aug 24, 2010 2:56 AM


Hi Lachalan - Because of the 520 pixel size limitation on the Worldnomads website, we can't offer the same quality or flexibility in colour profiling that flickr does, which is why we offer flickr as an option.

If you decide to take this option you will have to create a new (flickr) gallery in your journal, and make sure you name it 'My photo scholarship entry', and tag the gallery with 'travel photography scholarship 2010' and '#2010wnphoto' - otherwise we won't be able to find or judge your entry.

Cris- we will organise the Bhutan visa directly with the winner.

Benacris - please refer to FAQ blog where this question is answered. yes you can use B&W;


  scholarships Aug 24, 2010 9:09 AM


Hi! thanks for the info, I got another question, (i'm from Costa Rica) My US Visa has expired, do I need it in case I win, or you can arrange the voyage, in order to skip the US? If not, to start the tramits....
thank you!

Hello Crisro - we would coordinate the flights for the winner taking into consideration any issues with visas/nationalities.


  crisro Aug 26, 2010 11:41 PM


Hi Everyone,

Thanks Amanda for keeping up.

25) Tom, No MR's and PR's (property releases) are not required UNLESS you legally required them in the first place to capture the images. For example, some archaeological sites, national parks, traditional people, scared sites etc require you to have a permit to shoot. If not then we don't need them. As a general guideline people don't require MR's for editorial as long as you are not implying they are supporting or negating something, or that you are defaming them in any way eg making them look bad, ugly etc. Hope that helps.


  Jason Edwards Aug 27, 2010 9:22 AM


No. 1 of 4 Steps required to complete your application --- "Shoot a series of photos." This sounds like I have to go out collect new set of photos for this purpose, and cannot use the photos that I already have in my collection.

Please confirm my understanding. Thank you very much in advance.

Hi Chada - yes you can use photos you've already taken, there's no time limit on when the photos were/are taken.

  Chada Aug 30, 2010 2:18 PM


hi, im turning 18 on 24 of december, can i apply?, i`ve done professional workshops on photography and i`ve worked as an assistant photographer, i really want to apply!

Saian - sorry you must be a minimum age of 18. This is an annual opportunity so please apply next year.

  Saian Aug 31, 2010 9:04 AM


Is there a link to see the galleries of other Bhutan scholarship entries?

Alfonsobonilla - yes if you search on the tags you will find them; http://adventures.worldnomads.com/tags/?t=travel+photography+scholarship+2010

  alfonsobonilla Sep 1, 2010 5:13 AM


I have submitted my entry. However, in the submissions gallery, the order of the pictures has changed. The flickr account from where I linked the images has the correct order. Is there a way to correct the discrepancy? Thanks.

  Vikas Sep 2, 2010 1:51 AM



I read your post above regarding reduction in image vibrance. I have found this with my images and it is making a big difference to the final image quality, as I have a great deal of flat grey and subtle colour in my photos. Given you've suggested this may be to do with the WorldNomad 520px limit, might this not affect Flickr images...perhaps? I guess I'd like to know how the judges may take this into consideration i.e. if my images are flat but those on Flickr are not? Maybe I should up the vibrance in LightRoom and re-upload to WorldNomad, trying to match your site to what I have on my screen? Or maybe I should use Flickr instead?

Look forward to your response. Thanks for your time.

  simonmustoe Sep 2, 2010 1:02 PM


Hi Vikas - the ordering is done by a Flickr widget, which we can't change - its probably newest item first. If you can't fix then just make sure you number them in thir captions so we can see your intended order.

Simonmustoe - Because your images have a great deal of grey and/or subtle colour, it might be worth uploading them to Flickr also to test if they appear better. We would caution against excessive digital manipulation using Lightroom, which has already been flagged by Jason in his FAQ's

The judges will be taking into consideration the 520 pixel limit on our site. (and we are looking to improve this in the future)

  scholarships Sep 2, 2010 3:35 PM


i have a number of pictures that i would ideally love to submit as i have been travelling all summer. But i heard about the scholarship only recently and so a number of my pictures have slight edits and no backup original copies. the only editing i do is playing with contrast and brightness a bit and sometimes a slight cropping. would it be a big problem if I were picked in the finalists and then didn't have the original pictures?

  tushna Sep 2, 2010 4:33 PM


I don't think there is a way to reconnect with Flickr. I couldn't find it anyway. Also, I don't think I can reapply as I tried that too and it won't let me - at least without creating an entirely new account. I thought I'd tell you now, to avoid any further need for me to comment here. I'll keep an eye open for a solution in due course. Thanks kindly.

Hi simonmustoe - if you wish to change your submission you can delete your photo gallery and set up a new one but you MUST make sure you title and tag it correctly (as per your original) or we won't find it;

Title of post: My Photo scholarship 2010 entry
Tags: travel photography scholarship 2010, #2010wnphoto
Make sure you put in your 300 word essay as the gallery description.

  simonmustoe Sep 2, 2010 7:16 PM


Should I take any watermarks/signatures off my photos for entry?

  AMCampney Sep 3, 2010 10:45 PM


This could be the most ridiculous query, but i'm not going to be afraid to ask. I don't have an SLR yet; i use a Sony Cybershot and am learning my compositions and basics on it. As a travel writer and amateur photographer, am very keen on applying for this scholarship as a means to learn further. Does not having an SLR disqualify me?

Suchi Kapoor - yes this is fine, you can use any camera, doesn't need to be slr. Ill ask Jason to answer some of your more tech questions.

Thanks, Amanda

  Shuchi Kapoor Sep 4, 2010 4:27 PM


I watched all the videos in the faq video blog but am still confused by the rgb color. Should i have my screen like that to edit them? Because it does change the look of the photo. I just want to make sure everything looks true to the photo. Thank you so much i am so ecstatic about this!


  abbey moore Sep 6, 2010 3:05 AM


I was wondering if I changed the size of my already submitted pics to 720x480 tit would help them look more vibrant and saturated on WN journal? In this case can I delete and upload them again once I submitted my entry already?
Thank you.

  cassie Sep 6, 2010 7:52 AM


Hi Everyone,

36) Tushna, I'm not sure I understand, why won't you have the original files? If you are modifying your original files without keeping an 'unmodified' version that is dangerous and should never be done, what if you lost the modified version! If required we will always need to see the 'captured' version of an image to compare it with the entry.

37) SimonMustoe, yes it is an issue that images are appearing differently and i will make sure all judges take this into consideration when viewing the entries. I am not comfortable with people having to 'push' their images beyond what they normally represent just so they look good online so I will be suggesting the other judges keep in mind colour is not 'King' when they view the images. My understanding is that people who link their entries through a flickr account will have those images viewed by the judges when or if the images are enlarged, so if you have such an account balance for that portal. But yes, colour shifts will be taken into account.

38) AMCampney, yes please remove watermarks etc if they distract from the image. If they are subtle I'll leave it to your discretion but my advice is to have them looking as good as possible.

40) Abbey, yes you are correct please set your monitor to RGB and preferably a setting that says Adobe98, Adobe1998, or Adobe RGB etc. Feel free to list the settings like this that your monitor has if you are unsure and I will tell you which one. You will find this setting makes the images look less 'punchy', so you will need to balance them in this colour space so that we see how they look.

41) Cassie, There is a small chance that altering the size will alter the impact but don't automatically rely on it. From what I've seen of Amanda's posts you can delete and re-load carefully so my suggestion would be to slightly alter the colour balance of your submission and re-load it rather than relying on re-sizing.


  Jason Edwards Sep 6, 2010 12:48 PM


Quick question! In the digital enhancements there was the mention about "stitching" and "compositing". If my intent was to build a panoramic image and that is the final composition then is this acceptable even though it is technically "stitched" together from multiple images?

Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  Taylor Sep 10, 2010 5:46 PM


I have four questions :
a) Should I re size my photographs before I upload ? Because,the actual size of each photograph is very large ( around 4 MB). If I lower the size, then it will be easy to upload.
b)In the writing section, should I write something against each photograph or it will be fine if I write as a whole describing all photographs?
c) Should digital modification is really necessary? I have not done any editing to my photographs & I am ready to upload them directly from my camera just after lowering the size if re-size is permissible. Is it OK?
d) Should I tag each photographs or tagging only the gallery is fine? Can I tag my album as "WN photo contest,2010" ?



Hello Dipankar,

a) when you upload it will resize for you, but it yes it might help to resize it down from 4mb.

b)yes, please write description for each photograph so the judges know what they are looking at.

c) digital modification is not necessary for submission. It is fine to leave as is.

d) when you enter - the post will already be set up for you with the correct tags - so just make sure you don't delete them. You don't need to add anything yourself.

  dipankarborah Sep 11, 2010 11:00 PM


Hello again Jason-

I really appreciate the fact that this assignment for the scholarship is telling a story. I was wondering if it matters if the story about the place represents a small group of people and their "individual" story rather than a place as a whole and a story that could be applicable to everyone. I have a very specific story that I would like to tell about a group of people and the place that tells their story. Is this acceptable?

Thanks for answering my question above, It makes sense now. :)


Abbey- I find your question a little confusing. The task is to 'submit up to 5 photos that tell a story about a place'. The photos may have people in the photos, and they may be a part of the story, but essentially the task is about the 'place'.
If you are still unsure have a look at the shortlist last year;



  Abbey Moore Sep 12, 2010 8:36 AM


Hi Everyone,

43) Taylor, Interesting question. Firstly there is the belief by many photographers that 'true' panoramic images are only captured using panoramic cameras rather than created via stitching. Likewise with architecture and larger format cameras versus 35mm. I would say I am of that ilk, call me old fashioned, but I also understand many people don't own or cannot afford panoramic cameras. My Director at National Geographic once advised me to be cautious of the lure of the panoramic format as many images look great this way but few are truly great in their own right. Very sage words!

Unfortunately in the scholarship I will have to say no stitching is allowed. I realise this will disappoint you and likely others but here is my thinking. We are not allowing composites and HDR etc and in the terms we say that there should be no 'photographs which consist in any way of more than one separate image'. My interpretation of what you are saying is that you will submit a single image that is made out of your five images, to tell the story. This would contravene the terms but also open a can of worms if people began preparing collages and the like. We are attempting to see if people have the ability to tell a story with a single frame and across a series of frames. I hope your entry will still work well as a series of individual frames.

45) Abbey, Another interesting question! Your question is understandable as we have made the scholarship terms as loose as possible with regards to 'place' to ensure most people stood a chance of getting it right. So in answer to your query yes in part the story can be about a small group of people and their individual story.

HOWEVER, bold entrant Abbey be aware that you are taking on quite a challenge! By all means do as you have asked BUT you must also convey all that we have asked about telling us a story about this place you have visited. Conveying both elements is possible but is also very difficult.

Please remember we will be looking for a story about 'place' first and foremost and if this does not shine through the latter will not get your entry over the line. Then again if you were to be a finalist and you conveyed all elements well then the additional depth to your story may be the deciding factor. Always keep in mind your editorial requirements and fulfil those first, then value add to the story.


  Jason Edwards Sep 14, 2010 9:07 AM


I have a question. I am from Pakistan and wana submit my photos but i think there is some wrong perseption about us. i am a student of National College of Arts, and student of Film and Telivision and my subject is Photography. Sir confirm me that can i apply for it .....
reply me as soon as you can

Ahsan, anyone from any country may enter the scholarship so please feel free to enter. However check out the video FAQ blogs on the criteria to ensure you understand the restrictions.


  Ahsan Sep 14, 2010 4:31 PM


I'm unsure about monitor calibrating so could you please take a look if the values are about right?http://www.wanderlass.com/photos/Screen.png

I tried selecting the adobeRGB but the monitor turned really blue? Thanks

  wanderlass Sep 17, 2010 12:17 PM


i am a great lover of photography,and i m sure i will be a most popular photojournalist, i think i m not eligible for ur offer because i m a refugee boy from bhutan now in refugee camp in nepal. so,can i aply u

  thakur chamlagai Sep 20, 2010 7:08 PM


Hey JE,
I fill my entry long weeks ago, but I forget to remove my signature from my 3rd photo, its on the left side, should I remove and re upload it ?
I really forget it by mistake, feel free to remove it if possible. or I should do that.

  eidosh Sep 20, 2010 8:32 PM


Hi Everyone,

48) Wanderlass, Thanks for the screen capture. Don't set your monitor to the LCD setting you appear to have highlighted. See four lines below Adobe (1998), that is the one you want to set it to. Oh, I see what you mean I just replicated your settings. I have a custom profile so it's a tad different for me. I will ask some questions and get back to you. Thanks.

49) Thakur, yes you can apply as long as you fit the requirements please see our requirement blog. Being a refugee does not preclude you.

50)Eidosh, if you would like to change your photo you just need to log in, delete the photo from the gallery and upload your replacement photos, but make sure you keep the tags in your gallery; Travel Photography Scholarship 2010 & #2010wnphoto


  Jason Edwards Sep 21, 2010 7:42 PM


Hello everyone

A "lost" population of tigers has been caught on camera living in the high altitude mountains of Bhutan (4100m above sea level)


This is such exciting news for Year of the Tiger/International year of Biodiversity !

and I was born in a Tiger year so It's time to get my photo's up asap !

Good luck everyone, I'm excited about the possibilities for whoever wins the comp...

Hey Paul,

Thanks so much for the fantastic link this is marvellous news indeed! My juices went into overtime even though I knew we could not possibly squeeze this into our wonderful itinerary. Watching the footage and seeing the chopper reminded me of the quote I obtained for flying a helicopter into Bhutan and using it for specific images on our shoot, it started at 12,500 USD! Started being the optimum word!



  Paul Daley Sep 22, 2010 8:58 AM



First off, thanks so much for putting this together - it's a wonderful opportunity! I have a question: could someone clarify if the rules and a post below it reference the same essay?

From this excerpt in the "Apply Now" section:

"3. Tell us in 300 words or less about your photos and why you should be chosen. Your written response will have significant weighting in the judging process, so think carefully about why you should be chosen. Remember this is a learning opportunity, not a junket for professional photographers. "

Then this statement from post #58: "Make sure you put in your 200 word essay as the gallery description."

Are they one and the same or separate essays?


Marc - my apologies , this was a typo in post #58, it should read 200 - 300 word as you have pointed out - I am referring to the same essay. Thanks for being so thorough! Apologies of the confusion.

  Marc Sep 22, 2010 11:45 PM


Thanks, JE! (...continued from #68)

I calibrated my monitor when i first got it by going to System Preferences--Displays--Color--Calibrate and went through the wizard. And I din realize there were more values.. here they are:
Screen 1
Screen 2

Thanks, again. I'm so obsessed with this contest.

  wanderlass Sep 23, 2010 12:55 PM


Hi Jason, how do you feel about post-processing? Are actions, textures and overlays okay, or should it be keept closer to SOOC?

An additional question - would it be okay to include a shot taken with an old Flexora camera? I don't want to do my entire series with it but would like to include one.

Thanks in advance

  Lily Sep 23, 2010 7:23 PM


May I hand in a text that's a bit longer than 300 words?

  Irene Sep 24, 2010 4:27 AM


Is there a specific period of time for when the pictures were taken or are pictures taken before the announcement of this scholarship valid to be used for submission? Thanks heaps.

Rafika - there is no time limit for the photographs.Thanks, Amanda

  Rafika Ismail Sep 24, 2010 9:23 PM


Hey Jason,

I'd LOVE to be able to enter this contest again. I got shortlisted last year--too close to not want to give it another shot! However, I'm not sure if I qualify due to the "non-professional" clause. While I just graduated from college and am trying to take a stab at photography being my profession, I am not making enough money from it to support myself. How do I know if I'm eligible? Last year's winner seemed to be equally as professional as me, so I'm just not sure.

Any tips on how to figure this out would be great.


Stephen Ironside

  Stephen Ironside Sep 29, 2010 12:34 AM


Hi Jason
I was just wondering Ive been looking at the colour settings on my computer because you mentioned that it should be changed to RGB as opposed to sRBG but there are about 5 different RGB modes on my computer and im not sure which one to change it to, could you specify exactly how/what to do??
Thanks Anna

  Anna Sep 30, 2010 9:11 AM



Lily - you can use any camera you like. Ill ask Jason to have a look at your other question.

Stephen - welcome back! Have a look at the FAQ videoblog about this question;

Basically the rule is you are considered professional for the purposes of this scholarship if you derive more than 25% of your income from photography.

Anna - Ill get JE to have a look at your question.

cheers, Amanda

  scholarships Sep 30, 2010 9:19 AM


I would like to ask if i have to write both about the topic-photos and why i want to win the scolarship in the same 300-words text..

Thanks, Stefanos

  Stefanos Oct 4, 2010 8:02 AM


Hi Everyone,

54) Thanks Wanderlass, I haven't forgotten you I've just been trying to speak with someone who can give a clearer answer to your dilemma. Don't worry I won't leave you .

55) Lily, Please keep it as close to SOOC as possible, textures etc are not what we are after. Have a look at the video blog and also the notes above the postings in the guidelines. The less done the better.Yes, please feel free to mix the camera types just be certain they flow well together a story.

56) Irene, No definitely don't excede the word quota. I give an essay zero out of five if it exceeds the total.

57) Rafika, No time limit on when the images were taken, last month or last decade is fine.

58) Stephen, yes you did well last year, congratulations. My understanding is that it is only the winner that cannot enter again. My understanding from what you have said is that you are making some money but not enough. It's ok to make some money from photography but not more than 25% of your total income. As a previous finalist and knowing how close it can be at the end we rely on people's honesty and good faith when they are determining this criteria. In addition we also research heavily the winners credentials to see if what they claim matches with reality.

59) Anna, can you please post what the the five types of RGB you have and I will tell you whichone.

61) Stefanos, the captions for your images are separate to your essay so are not included in the 300.


  Jason Edwards Oct 5, 2010 9:53 AM


Can I come? I'm only 15, but I've always wanted to go to Bhutan... I wouldn't need to compete or anything if you didn't want me to, but I definitely would if you did! Will there be another one in three or so years?

  Louis Oct 7, 2010 11:35 AM


54) and 59) Wanderlass and Anna, ok let's wipe the slate clean and keep it simple. It's great that you used the calibration tool, it always helps. Do this for me:

1) in System preferences set your monitor to Colour LCD,
2) open your images in Photoshop and in the finder menu go Image-Mode-RGB Color,
3) colour balance your images at this setting,
4) save your images as jpegs EITHER by doing a 'Save as' or doing a 'Save for Web', (I do the first as it leaves the RGB profile in place but do both as tests and see what you prefer,
5) load them onto WN's and see if the colour is accurate to what you intended, if not do exactly the same process but 'twink' your colour balancing where necessary, then delete and re-load,
6) let me know how you go as I never view any entries pre-judging and I fly to the Pacific on Sunday and want to make sure you are sorted.



63) Louis, sorry my friend but you must be 18 and over and you'd definitely need to throw your hat in the ring and compete! Thanks so much for your interest and yes I hope we will still be going strong in three years. I guess the more support we get the greater the chances of that occurring!

All the very best


  Jason Edwards Oct 7, 2010 8:07 PM


on step two it says:

Add your photos to worldnomads.com. Firstly create a journal, which is where your photos will be hosted, and fill in the entry form...
where is the entry form ?

Click on the big orange button directly below that text that says 'Apply Now'

  pauldaley Oct 8, 2010 1:45 PM


1. You have advised keeping color/contrast corrections to a minimum. Is the use of auto contrast in microsoft's picture viewer software within permissible limits? Is a 5 to 10% increase in contrast or brightness permissable?
2. The essay portion is limited to 300 words. Do you have a guideline for caption length?

Please check the FAQ video blog, as this is all covered there.

  Scott Oct 8, 2010 2:18 PM


I made the journal, i uploaded the photos, i wrote about the scholarship...But I have to write somewhere in the beggining that is for the competition? How do you know that my journal is for the competition? I am afraid that i haven't done it correct...

You have to fill in the entry form to have a valid application. Click on the big orange 'Apply Now' button that is on this page above the comments.

  vito-stef Oct 9, 2010 12:27 AM


Hi Jason. I checked and it's good. Thanks for taking the time. Safe trip! Hope to be the one to join you in Bhutan.

  wanderlass Oct 9, 2010 1:49 AM


Hello,i've just put my photo story for the competition.I have signed up,created my journal(given the link of my flickr set).I am strongly confused whether my photo story set is either on the competition or not.I afraid its not.So can you please let me know that my photo story set is on the competition or not???I am eagerly waiting for the answer.Please help me.

You have to fill in the entry form to have a valid application. Click on the big orange 'Apply Now' button that is on this page above the comments.

  rahmath Oct 9, 2010 6:50 AM


In the conditions of entry, it mentions refraining from digital manipulation.
To clarify, is any use of photoshop (such as slight tweaking with Curves, saturation adjustments, or editing to lessen glare on reflective surfaces) permitted, or are completely un-edited photos the requirement?

Please check the FAQ video blog, as this is all covered there.

  Hannah Oct 9, 2010 9:29 AM


This contest is amazing!
I have some questions...
1) About my monitor...I know you've already answered many times and i'm sorry! My computer (MacBook Pro) has like monitor profile LCD color, then i can choose Adobe RGB1998, Profile RGB Generic, sRGB IEC...but even if now it's selected LCD color, when i click on open profile is written space: RGB. So i'm confused... is the question clear enough?

2) If i use flickr should i create a new flickr's account just for the competition even i have one already?

Thank you!!!

Jacopo- you can just link to your existing flickr account - no need to create a new one. Just make sure you link to your set with no more than 5 photos in it. Will have to look into your monitor question.

  Jacopo Oct 10, 2010 4:43 AM


I was wondering if you can use pictures that are taken using the auto timer, I am in the photo and the reason I ask is becuase I think plays an important role in developing my story.

Brandon - this is fine. Just makes sure you mention this in your caption, so the judging panel is clear that it has been set up by you alone.

  Brandon Oct 11, 2010 2:55 AM


Sir JE, I would like to ask if it is allowed to have maybe 3 of the pictures in B/W and the rest are in colour. My reason for doing so is that those 3 pictures are better in B/W.. Thank you so much and God bless.

Jan - please read FAQ's and previous comments before posting questions as this question has been answered (yes you can);


  jan Oct 11, 2010 3:21 AM


refering to my post of 08 October I couldn't find guidance on the caption length. Is there a specific word limit?

Hi Scott - there is no set length for the captions, but their purpose is to simply inform the judge of what they are looking at, so please keep to a minimum.

  scott Oct 11, 2010 2:00 PM



I just found out about the scholarship, and unfortunately I am having a few little problems, and ive googles them and cant seem to find the answer... I have a small dell laptop (pocket version) and ive been trying to find where to callibrate it, but it doesnt give me the options!!!! In color settings i dont have anything extra it is completely empty!!! How important is callibration???? I was reading the posts, and if i upload them directly to Flickr, do the pictures get callibrated immediately??? How important is it to black and white points?? Also saturation, contrast and sharpen do they give a plus?? Im not sure how to really identify a color cast, its the first time i enter to a photograph scholarship, the FAQs were very complete and they answered most of my questions. It would be a lot of help.

Thank you so much.
Looking forward for an answer

Hi Tania - you don't need to adjust your photos at all! Its fine to upload them as they are. If you are not familiar with this software, I suggest you leave as is. You will not be penalised in anyway for NOT making adjustments.

  Tania Ocampo Oct 12, 2010 1:17 PM


I very much would like to enter. I have a series I shot of architecture arround my campus. My concern is that I used a Holga (toy) camera and printed with Lith developer. I was wondering if such alternative pictures would be acceptable.

Nate - we are really looking for what you truly see through the lens and as Jason has described quite emphatically in his FAQ videos, he really doesn't want to be looking at photos that have changed or manipulated in anyway. So I would suggest you don't use any lithe developing.

Thanks, Amanda

  Nate Oct 14, 2010 1:13 AM


Hello again!

I've reviewed all of the posts above before posting this since I did not find a definitive answer within them. In regards to creating a Flickr photo set: did you want the full resolution images uploaded to that Flickr photo set or a downsized set made available?

All images will be min. 10MP, so the original image is 3800+ pixels on the long side. Do you want them resized to 1500 or so for judging purposes only? I'm not sure I would want the full resolution images available on Flickr for anyone to use, hence my question. I know restrictions on who can view them is possible, but thought I'd check with you first. Obviously I have the RAW files so that's of no issue if for some reason I make it to the final round/shortlist, etc.

Hopefully my questions made sense. Almost there on the image choices.. and very nervous!


Hi Marc,
You don't have to use Flickr, you also have the option of uploading directly to World Nomads (it will give you these two options when you apply). If you use flickr the maximum image sizes are set depending whether you have free membership(1024 pixels) or pro (paid) membership (unlimited pixel size). If you upload to WorldNomads directly it will automatically resize your images for you. Hope this helps.

  Marc Oct 14, 2010 1:10 PM



Can i apply to the contest, without traveling pictures.

I don't travel much (in fact, kinda that i don't travel at all...), but i do a lot of pictures of city and places i visited near my where i live.


Yes, photos of a place you have been to includes near where you live

  sungibr Oct 15, 2010 10:44 AM


Technical details are also required (i.e. camera, lens, exposure, speed, and other equipment used). Im about to send my photos and story but i dont know about this lens, exposure, speed??? pls help


Please check the FAQs before posting here.

  Monamie Oct 15, 2010 3:09 PM


Hi Everyone apologies for the silence I am in the Pacific on assignment for NG.

66) Scott, yes 5-10% is fine as is the auto contrast. However be sure to check how you images appear after loading them onto the site just incase the auto balance makes them look unrealistic. We are just looking for a sentence or two in the caption data but be sure to work on them. They should be concise, educate about the image, and interesting.

68) Wanderlass, great thanks for letting me know glad to have finally got it sorted!

61) Stefanos, there is no need to give the story a title however if you wish to then include the title in the first image caption.

71) Jacopo, Please see my post #64 it will explain what you need to do with your monitor and what profile to put on your images.

Thanks Amanda for addressing the other points. Hopefully I may be able to check the blog again before Sunday just incase there are any final thoughts or questions. Thanks to everyone for their questions and I'm glad the video blogs assisted with your entries. May I wish you all the very best of luck, I'm very excited to be seeing the finalists as selected by the judging panel.


  Jason Edwards Oct 15, 2010 4:13 PM



First off, thanks again for the speedy replies!

I reviewed Jason's FAQ videos one last time and re-read the terms and conditions information. I also reviewed the top 3 picks for the 2009 contest. However, it raises questions on the 300-word essay submission. I refer to this field in question on the application:
Tell us about these photos and yourself
"Tell us about your photos and why you should be chosen in no more than 1800 characters (around 300 words)."

What's left me uncertain is that there is no mention of "tell us about these photos" in the 2009 winner's rationale for being the best choice. I also reviewed 2nd place & 3rd place and noted their captioning below each image, but couldn't find any information on why they should be chosen to use as a reference. Although the total word count through all three Q&A answers in the 2009 written submission by the winner certainly exceeds the 300-word limit, the “why I should be chosen” is well within the 300-word essay limit.

So the captioning for each of the images submitted is separate from the 300-word limit on essay (doesn’t contribute to the total), yet we should still tell you about the images we submit in the essay? It appears that telling you about the images should be primarily handled in the captioning, correct? My apologies for the "over-analysis” - it’s second nature to pay attention to detail and put those questions to rest.

BTW, I discovered after submitting my most recent question, there is a bug in either the browser, the form or how the application handles the information to be posted. It caches the information and will re-post the same information in a new post when you hit refresh (in Firefox) - even though the fields for “Add your comments” is blank!

Again, thank you for the opportunity and your time.


  Marc Oct 15, 2010 10:04 PM


Hello I have a question...
I uploaded my pictures but are the first one should be the last one and so on...i mean in they are in the wrongway. Is that important? should i try to put them in order? How can i do it?
Thank you very much!

  jacopo Oct 16, 2010 12:31 AM


I already found the answer thanks...
Are you able to see the pictures bigger then i can see in my journal or they are just like this?

  jacopo Oct 16, 2010 4:39 AM


Hi Guys,

81) Marc, no problem one should always try and get it right. The 300 word component should be about you primarily, who you are and what you do, why you should win and what you hope to gain out of the experience. Basically it's an opportunity for you to tell me something about yourself given we'll be working so closely together.

You are correct Anna's count was below 300 words. I haven't gone back and looked but from memory there was some additional text there that wasn't part of her entry which was definitely below the word count. Captions don't count towards the word count so create a sentence or two about each image.

If you have enough space to tell me about your images and why they mean something to you that's fine but don't do it at the expense of telling me about yourself.

82) and 83) Jacopo, No the image order isn't crucial I will still see what you are attempting to say.

Not sure on what size you can see them or what they appear like on the judges screens. I only see the judging panels finalists and will not review those until I am back in Australia on my calibrated system. I am sure that the WN's system re-sizes all of the entries to the same size so I wouldn't worry.


  Jason Edwards Oct 16, 2010 7:46 AM


Thank you for this opportunity! I have now posted my entry and I'm crossing fingers!

Good luck to all who enter, may the winner have a great trip and lots of good experiences :)

  arcticexposure Oct 17, 2010 11:22 AM


I saw in the Terms & Conditions that "DNG files are only permitted if DNG is the native RAW format of the camera". My Lightroom pre-set automatically converts all my .CR2 files to .DNG when I import them - am I correct in understanding that none of these pictures would be eligible even if I haven't done any post-processing to them?

  Kristi Oct 17, 2010 12:37 PM


Kristi - also you are fine to submit the DNG files if this is an automatic preset.

  scholarships Oct 17, 2010 7:19 PM


Hi, I am having the same problem raised by Amanda and Simon (post 34): the photos uploaded in the journal have lost their color and result very flat whereas, in reality, are full of vitality. However, I can see this problem has been encountered by just a few of us whereas other journals have kept beautiful contrats and colors. I cannot find a solution to this problem in the FAQ so I guess I can just hope the judges will keep into consideration this issue. I will be very keen to send the files as email attachments to be able to show a more realistic reproduction of the work. thanks for your attention and good luck to everyone!

  atman Oct 17, 2010 10:33 PM


I have just applied. :)
Thank you for this great contest!

  zokxx Oct 18, 2010 12:00 AM


I was just about to submit my application having uploaded my photographs, but the link to the application form informs me that applications have already closed? But the info above says it closes on midnight Oct 17 (in roughly 45 minutes time, by my watch). Is it really too late?? :( Will I have to wait until next year?
Shaneene x

  Shaneene Oct 18, 2010 12:20 AM


Same here!! I was trying to upload my application too, but apparently the applications have already closed. It isn't midnight yet (I have been checking the EST time constantly). Is it really too late for the applications to be submitted?

  Anusha Oct 18, 2010 12:50 AM


I was just about to submit my application having uploaded my photographs, but the link to the application form informs me that applications have already closed? But the info above says it closes on midnight Oct 17 (in roughly 45 minutes time, by my watch). Is it really too late?? :( Will I have to wait until next year?
Shaneene x

  thelittleblondeone Oct 18, 2010 1:04 AM



I had the same problem with the uploading. In fact, ten minutes before applying I saw that at one place it said EST and at another EDT and the difference was exactly one hour that I needed. It turned out that instead of having an hour and ten minutes I had only ten minutes, and I could not fill the application that fast. I really hoped that I still had the hour but when I pressed the apply button it said that the competition is closed. I know that I should not have waited to do that on the last day, but I had technical problems with my PC. Is there any chance for me and the other people that missed the deadline by about ten minutes to still apply since the instructions had two different time zones, which was really confusing and crucial to the final result of applying. It would be great if we could, because another year is a long time to wait and at least for me this is a dream, and I'd hate to miss the chance to even apply. Thanks in advance. Good luck to those who managed to apply.

  Vesselina Apostolova Oct 18, 2010 1:26 AM


it's too bad that im following the time here. totally forgot about timezones. i wish there's a little bit of consideration for this :( i am really sad.

  greenmaggit Oct 18, 2010 1:27 AM


I had a similar problem. It's what we get for leaving it to the last minute! But I had the date mixed up anyway... I thought it closed on the 18th, and I think it was listed on my uni site as closing on that date which is why I was not in a rush to get it done sooner.

  Nevart Oct 18, 2010 2:10 AM


I've managed to link photos in a flickr set to my journal gallery and include my 300-word essay in the description there, plus my email address and full name, and have tagged it with the appropriate tags. But I'm afraid I must be too late for the application form. Does this mean I have missed out entirely? I am happy to supply all my contact details via email if necessary! I really hope I'm not too late, but good luck to everyone else who managed to get theirs in on time. Fingers crossed for the rest of us!

  thelittleblondeone Oct 18, 2010 2:21 AM


I am totally confused about tags. never used them and I do not quite understand what they are for. I think I made everything in time. I do not understand, what is supposed to be "appropriate tags"?

  oceanroadie Oct 18, 2010 2:57 AM


Greetings to all! I think I succeed to post my photos and the 300 words description earlier yesterday afternoon. I do see a folder under the title “My Photo scholarship 2010 entry” in my personal profile, so I hope that everything was made correctly. Hopefully this is what was needed. I would like also to wish good luck to all the other co-participants...

  oikoumene Oct 18, 2010 8:25 AM


Hi all - sorry for any confusion you might have had with times. I'm just looking into your entries now, I will email you directly if I need more info.

Oceanroadie and Oikoumene, your entries are fine.

Greenmaggit- I don't have an email for you - email me at amanda@worldnomads.com

  scholarships Oct 18, 2010 10:15 AM


Hello Everyone,

If you have entered correctly you will be able to see your entry at http://adventures.worldnomads.com/tags/?t=travel+photography+scholarship+2010
and they will be reviewed by the judges.

Please don't ask us to verify your individual entries.

Best of luck with all your entries!

  scholarships Oct 29, 2010 8:48 PM


Hi all - sorry for the delay in posting the results! We have over 1550 entries, so you clever talented people have been keeping our judges very busy!! Results will be posted tomorrow (nov 2) - sorry to keep you all waiting.


  scholarships Nov 1, 2010 4:22 PM


Thanks for the update Amanda! Patience is a virtue right ;-)
Will all feedback be posted? I mean about the people who kept the judges busy, obviously not for all 1550 entries.

  jilske Nov 1, 2010 5:24 PM


Hi Amanda,
Hope you guys are getting a bit of rest. Am I correct in assuming that when my journal gets judged I will see the views of each image increase by 25 or so? I'm sure I was one of the last submissions. Just curious. Thank you for this great opportunity!

  tobiasrose Nov 2, 2010 2:07 AM


I really look forward to finding out who the winner is! :)

  adambrobjorgphotography Nov 2, 2010 3:30 AM


looking forward to the winner, but won't the judges need better reso pics ??

  exeperience_photography Nov 2, 2010 3:59 AM


winner winner? where are you :) ?

  danialshah Nov 2, 2010 7:28 AM


hehe ,, Maybe me? :O)

  mugroso Nov 2, 2010 7:46 AM


Thanks for the update, Amanda!
I have been driving myself crazy checking the website and wondering what is happening! Can hardly wait for the morning!!!
I've been looking at the entries and I wouldn't want to have to judge them! Good work everyone!!!

  Lisa Birtch Nov 2, 2010 8:30 AM


SO excited to see who won! Crossing my fingers :)

  kaylavarley Nov 2, 2010 12:01 PM


i can't sleep.... i'm sooo nervous... show as the winners.... pleeeeeeeease...:P

  danairizou90 Nov 2, 2010 12:20 PM

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