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ayubowan!!!! wow....look at that


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "Relaxation".

who is this woman

SRI LANKA | Sunday, 28 Oct 2007 | Views [1863] | Comments [2]

who is madame helga? My dreams came to life last night, not in my slumber but in real life. Tangible things that i could reach out and touch somehow crept out of the deepest recesses of my mind and into this place called Helgas Folly.I came ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

stupid bugs

USA | Saturday, 13 Oct 2007 | Views [683] | Comments [3]

I have fallen deep into a routine by accident. I wake and have breakfast, spend countless hours online loading pics, come home and have dinner watch a little television and go off to bed. I could be anywhere and do these things so i really need to break ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

beachin it

USA | Saturday, 6 Oct 2007 | Views [556]

today i made it to the beach and got a little color. My Bags finally arrived and that gave me relief indeed. I was able to wash away the smell of curry that was seeping from my pores---i reek! I have been reading all day and just layin low. Its been ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

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