Thank you for praying for us and keeping up with the blog. As I was thinking of what I wanted to write about I played through some of the lessons God has been teaching me during my time here. God is good. That has not changed no matter how I've been feeling or what I'm thinking. It's been refreshing to see God's character revealed and confirmed over and over again. The flip side of seeing Christ's love is realizing one's depravity. Psalm 51 has been a passage I've contemplated a lot recently. Especially the part where David says, "For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned and doen what is evil in Your sight, so that You may be justified in Your words and blameless in Your judgment." (Ps. 51: 3-4)
I know Christ has forgiven me and I take great comfort in that assurance, but I desire to change to be more like Him. My biggest fear regarding this trip is that I will come back home and forget about this time here. I know that I could forget about the people and their faces, forget about how little they have, forget about what physical poverty looks like, forget the ugliness of idol worship and possibly forget how evil my heart is, and worst of all forget the time I've had in God's presence. I don't want to come home, get re-adjusted, and then live life as I used to. I hope that I will care more about people, realize how amazingly blessed I am, and continue to pray daily for the people here - if I do it all on my own strength though I will never remember.
This time has been incredible and I love how near Christ is. I would like you all to pray that I would put into practice Romans 12:1-2 and that I would live a transformed life that depends on the Spirit. Being here has intensified a lot of the lessons I have been learning over the past few years since I came to know Christ and I want them to be a permanent part of my walk.
Again thank you for prayers especially in regards to my health - I'm feeling good (just sometimes tired) and I know that it's because God has kept me in His care. More people have been able to pronounce my name (score) and being here has felt very comfortable. It's been difficult with the heat - it drains your energy - especially when I want to play with the kids. My girls taught me a bunch of clapping songs and I think I finally got the words down to a hand clapping song - the lyrics include the names "John Julie" - ha ha it's weird.
The bugs here are out of control - seriously they are big enough to drive cars. Megan valliantly killed the biggest wasp beast I've ever seen (it looked like a transformer) and considers it her "most athletic moment." Ha ha anyway, India is fantastic and I hope you are all doing well. Keep praying and seek hard after Christ!