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Adventures Abroad

5/6/7 September, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 7 Sep 2008 | Views [788]

Our last day in England - it seemed so far off when we first arrived, but has come all too quickly. Sam had a bit of a wobble in her back wheels (of the car, that is!) and so we went to a local Crowthorne place where they fixed the problem at a reasonable ... Read more >

4 September, Thursday

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 5 Sep 2008 | Views [793]

Yesterday was our last sight-seeing day and, whilst it wasn't exactly a case of saving the best for last, it was nearly so! We (Jean, Chris, Ron and I) drove to the station and caught the train to Waterloo, after which we took the Jubilee Tube line ... Read more >

Gallery: Last Day in London

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 4 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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3 September, Wednesday

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 3 Sep 2008 | Views [721]

Happy birthday, Wayne on this 69th anniversary of the start of World War II. Well, the weather did permit and so Jean, Ron and I motored to Old Sarum, about an hour and half's drive from Crowthorne. We didn't know what to expect, except that this was ... Read more >

Gallery: Sarum and Salisbury

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 3 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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2 September, Tuesday

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 2 Sep 2008 | Views [574]

Toddled off to Windsor today, with Jean - poor Chris is still working! We just wanted to re-visit some shops and generally have a wander around. Bought a few nice things, had some pancakes with strawberries and cream (decadent!) and did a bit of sightseeing, ... Read more >

1 September, Monday

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 1 Sep 2008 | Views [813]

Welcome Spring - in Australia, and Autumn in England! Chris had to work again today, and so Jean, Ron and I opted to catch the train into London. We left it up to the weather to decide what we should do - an open-top bus tour, or a tour of Buckingham ... Read more >

Gallery: London Bus Tour

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 1 Sep 2008 | Photo Gallery

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31 August, Sunday

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 30 Aug 2008 | Views [590]

Another fairly lazy day! It was good spending time with Laura and Rob (and their two dogs, Stirling and Paddy). Whilst they and Jean went to Costco to do some bulk shopping, Sam and I went to do some not-so-bulk shopping. Ron elected to stay home and ... Read more >

30 August, Saturday

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 30 Aug 2008 | Views [543]

A lovely, relaxed day today - we decided to stay "home" and veg. out. I did a pile of washing, then Ron and I attempted to sort out the things we had bought and to work out the best way to distribute them amongst our baggage! Not an easy task.... Read more >

Gallery: Windsor Castle

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 30 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

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29 August, Friday

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 29 Aug 2008 | Views [731]

Chris was off today, so we all (Chris, Jean, Alex, Ron and I) decided it was high time we visited Stonehenge, about an hour and a quarter's drive away. The drive was very picturesque and Wiltshire is a really beautiful county, famous for crop circles ... Read more >

Gallery: Stonehenge and Wiltshire

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 29 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

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28 August, Thursday

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 28 Aug 2008 | Views [960]

Off to Windsor again today. We had been on our first full day in the UK, way back when, but hadn't actually had a tour of the Castle. We drove to the town, which is only 45 minutes away from Jean and Chris's, and started off with a wander around the ... Read more >

27 August, Wednesday

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2008 | Views [657]

Today we opted for a foray into London, partly because we had to complete some forms with The London Baggage Company, through which we were sending a large bag of personal effects back home, by sea, and partly because we had Things to Do! We duly presented ... Read more >

Gallery: Thames and Tower

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

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26 August, Tuesday

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2008 | Views [507]

A welcome lay-day yesterday - we haven't had many of those! Just did a bit of shopping in the morning then, in the afternoon Jean and I played a few board games with Alex whilst Ron and Chris went for a long walk, followed by a drink in the local pub.... Read more >

25 August - Monday

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 26 Aug 2008 | Views [563]

Today was a Public Holiday and so we decided to take Sam and Stacey to the Cotswolds for the day. Obviously, we hit a snag! About 15 minutes into our journey it was dead slow and stop – with the traffic ahead of us at a standstill. We assumed ... Read more >

Gallery: Woodborough-Bourton

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 25 Aug 2008 | Photo Gallery

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24 August, Sunday

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 24 Aug 2008 | Views [716]

D-day - or Au Revoir day. We had persuaded Allan and Dot to go to their car boot sale and so we got up early to say goodbye. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but, nevertheless, several tears were shed! After they had gone, we got our things ... Read more >

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