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Pilgrim Routes

Trip: Kailash

There are [8] stories from my trip: Kailash

Getting lost in Thamel District

NEPAL | Friday, 29 Aug 2014 | Views [327]

The chaos and close humanity that is the Thamel district of Kathmandu. The people are really nice and it's easy to strike up an interesting conversation.Tiny roads and lanes and traffic of every size and kind tooting and pushing through. Th is time I ... Read more >

First Morning in Kathmandu

NEPAL | Friday, 29 Aug 2014 | Views [296]

First morning in Kathmandu, view from the window. Kathmandu is it's usual mix of old, older and stalled buildings (running out of money) and I love it. The smells, the air ... Jac is arriving in a couple of hours. So glad she made it after  all ... Read more >

To Visa or not, that is the question

NEPAL | Friday, 29 Aug 2014 | Views [399]

The last two weeks have been filled with uncertainty as the visa for Tibet, while seemingly approved has not been issued.  In the end I just came to Kathmandu, jumped 'off the cliff' as it were, trusting to the Divine and to Hira when he said it ... Read more >

Tags: delays, kathmandu, tibet, uncertainty, visas

More on nutrition for altitude

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 16 Aug 2014 | Views [410]

I mentioned Cataplex E2 in a previous post, as some thing that had been recommended as an excellent support for high altitudes.  It is very hard to get into Australia. The US manufacturer only sells to practitioners in US,  Amazon won't ship ... Read more >

Tags: cataplex e2, customs

Now we go, now we don't, now it's a maybe

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 16 Aug 2014 | Views [410]

What a week in the life of a pilgrim in preparation. As a response to the absolutely dreadful landslide in Nepal last week (on the road from Kathmandu to the Tibet  border) the Chinese Authority decided to close the border from 14 August indefinitely.... Read more >

Tags: delays

Nutrition for altitude

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 Aug 2014 | Views [1337]

Having spent a lot of time searching the internet this is still the best summary of what is helpful for high altitude.  I used a lot of this nutritional support last time and went quite well in altitude - although nutrition is only one element I ... Read more >

Tags: altitude, nutrition

Who to travel with

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 6 Aug 2014 | Views [296]

I leave for Kathmandu in 22 days.  Most travel to Tibet begins in Kathmandu or China and you can only go with authorised tour operators.  I am travelling with Karnali Excursions with whom I travelled in 2012.  They are beyond fabulous! ... Read more >

Tags: preparation

Getting ready is half the fun

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 4 Aug 2014 | Views [980]

My first time blogging I am getting ready to go to Tibet and Mt Kailash for the second time and I thought I would try this blog.  Getting ready is half the fun; lists, shopping for clothes, hitting the outdoor store sales, reading up on high ... Read more >

Tags: high altitude, preparation

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