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The road goes ever on and on Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So...Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain


There are [28] photos and [3] stories tagged with "pokhara".

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One month in already

NEPAL | Thursday, 24 Jul 2008 | Views [1222] | Comments [1]

Well it has been one month already!  Since my last update I have returned to Kathmandu.  Leaving Pokhara was very sad.  It was tempting to rent a room and stay there for the whole 6 months! My last week in Pokhara included an overnight trip to Gorkha, ... Read more >

Tags: gorkha, kathmandu, momos, nepal, pokhara, temple

Pokhara Daze

NEPAL | Thursday, 3 Jul 2008 | Views [932]

Since arriving in Pokhara I have been having a nice relaxing holiday.  It would be easy to stay here for a long time doing pretty much nothing. My mornings are taken up with getting up late, followed by a lazy breakfast and the internet or a trip to ... Read more >

Tags: kayaking, nepal, pokhara

The Great Escape from Kathmandu

NEPAL | Sunday, 29 Jun 2008 | Views [1232] | Comments [2]

Well that may be a little dramatic... But it took 3 days from when I first attempted to leave Kathmandu to when I actually left Kathmandu and it was beggining to feel as though I may have been stuck there foreever! The problem with Kathmandu is that ... Read more >

Tags: kathmandu, nepal, pokhara, strike

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