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My Silk Road The Piglet stumbles across the continent


There are [0] photos and [7] stories about India

44 - Royal gardens in Srinigar

Friday, 12 Oct 2012 | Views [413]

Kashmir was a favorite place for the Mughal emperors to cool off during the summer. We visited two lovely Mughal gardens this afternoon.  And what a difference these were from the Mughal garden we visited in Lahore.  The Nishat Garden in Srinigar ... Read more >

43 - Srinigar's fairy tale old town

Friday, 12 Oct 2012 | Views [307]

Srinigar has a fascinating old quarter with preserved wooden houses that have carved terraces and rounded balconies.  The old town has windy and twisty lanes, with a thriving market selling everything from food to copperware ... Read more >

42 - Floating in Kashmir

Wednesday, 10 Oct 2012 | Views [555]

After almost 20 days on the road, I have now arrived at Kashmir, the last stop of this journey (Part 2 of the Great Silk Road trip). Kashmir (or at least the part of Kashmir in which Srinigar is located) is in the Jammu and Kashmir province ... Read more >

41 - In Jammu enroute to Kashmir

Tuesday, 9 Oct 2012 | Views [452]

Not much to offer in Jammu other than a pitstop enroute to Kashmir which is disputed territory, fought over by India and Pakistan.  I am still on the Silk Road, on the route that ended in Delhi.  Key ... Read more >

40 - Travelling on the Indian railway

Tuesday, 9 Oct 2012 | Views [722]

Five hours from Amritsar heading north to Jammu today (a stopover enroute to Kashmir).  The train ride was comfortable enough and as expected - two tiered bunk seats/beds, Railway-supplied cotton sheets and pillows, a stranger's feet hanging ... Read more >

39 - Amritsar - the Golden Temple

Monday, 8 Oct 2012 | Views [627]

Amritsar is only about an hour's drive from Lahore, one of the biggest cities in Pakistan, and yet it feels like it's a world away.  On the road from the border crossing driving into Amritsar, it's farms and small shops along the way and yet gone ... Read more >

38 - Namaste India!

Monday, 8 Oct 2012 | Views [480]

Today, it's a fond goodbye to Pakistan after 12 days in the country, and Namaste India!  Again, we are the first people to reach the border office at Wagha and the Pakistani officials seemed slightly overwhelmed at having to deal with multiple ... Read more >



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