So alarm goes off at 6am – and for a few seconds I can’t think where we are. Is it home, Singapore, Jakarta? Nope we are here at Hidden Valley, Tembagapura.
Getting Gobey out of bed was so hard, snooze button was over used for the first day. But in all fairness he did get up (me too, can’t let Gobey go in the morning without a cup of tea, a flask for later and breakfast). Getting up with Gobey was hard as it was so early, so of course I went back to bed for a little longer once he had left. It’s like the rule as he did it the whole time I was working (well he didn’t make me a cup of tea or breakfast so maybe I have it all wrong getting up with him?).
So it’s now 830am and I should get up and see what the morning has to offer – and WOW what a morning and view to wake up to. The sun is shining and the view from the apartment is out of this world. I can’t get over the height of the mountain, just how high up we are? (let’s face it Aberdeen had its summer before we left LOL). So while the sun is getting warmer I think of no better way of start the new life, than sitting in the sun having my cup of tea and toast.
So the day seems lost by afternoon (well I did sit in the sun for a good 3 hours) but its almost time or Gobey to come home and day one is over with already.
I did start unpacking but hey, I deserve a rest after the last few days travelling.
Oh and Gobey did enjoy his first day of work. He tells me it consisted of meeting people and trying to remember names. Tomorrow might be the start of the real work.