So Can you guess how many ticket I needed to go on one boat trip?
Well the agent gave me 1 ticket to give to the transfer driver. This ticket had to be exchanged at the boat company office, in return for which they gave me 3 tickets! these three tickets were checked by another agent who in return for an additional AR$37 7.00pounds gave me 2 more tickets. Another official then checked these 5 tickets and carefully folde the last 2 tickets in half. Having walked a further 10 paces another official unfolded the 2 tickets and checked all 5, he them retained a ticket. So I thought that was it,but as I went up the gangplank I was handed another ticket as a boarding pass. So those of you that thought 7 get a coconut!! By the way they never looked at any of yje tickets again.
The trip on the boat was superb and we made our way up the lake toward the Chilean border. At Punta Bliss we goty off the first boat and the majority of the passengers boarded another boat to the border, leaving me almost alone in a pristine rain forest. I followed a trail that took me high into the mountains where I passed water falls, wonderfull vegetation and eventually to another lake at 1800 metres. It was again superb and I had the place totally to my self for maybe half an hour until some workmen came.
The next day I joined a group on a mini trek to see a glacier in the torandor mountains. Again it was a great experiece and although this glacier was small it put on a wonderful display as hundreds of tonned of Ice colla`sed from the leading edge falling 100´s of feet to land on a secondary glacier.
The last two days I have spent on a bus travelling about 1000kms south to the town of Chailten in real Patagonia. The journey took 2 full 12 hour days stopping at the well named hostel Belgrano for the night. Here the guy in charge made Basil Fawlty look competant. I named him The General, and yes he should have been sunk.
No Photos today as the internet here makes Adlinfleet´s dial up look fast.
I´m of now to look at the Fitz Roy mountain and have a 2 or 3 hour trek.