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There are [0] photos and [7] stories about Colombia

Happiness is Clean Feet

Friday, 9 Jan 2015 | Views [434]

Woke up bright and early for our big trip to Valle del Cocora, Colombia's treasured landscape. In order to get from Salento to the valley (where your long hike begins) you have to jump into one of these Willys Jeeps from WWII. These Jeeps, which comfortably ... Read more >

Tags: hiking, hummingbirds, salento, trekking, valle del cocora, wax palms

Yo soy Iron Man

Thursday, 8 Jan 2015 | Views [360]

Alas, the bus ride from Medellin to Armenia (large city closest to Salento, our destination) was much better. First of all, the movie of choice was Iron Man 3, which was entertaining even in badly dubbed Spanish.    The ride wasn't ... Read more >

Tags: buses, salento

The Bus Ride from Actual Hell

Thursday, 8 Jan 2015 | Views [345]

Let me tell you about the bus ride from Hell. And this bus ride doesn't even hold a friggin candle (time-wise, anyway) to the one I'll need to take in a few weeks from Guayaquil, Ecuador to Lima, Peru which is for 28 HOURS.   This bus ride ... Read more >

Tags: bus rides, death

White Caps on the Cerulean Sea

Wednesday, 7 Jan 2015 | Views [421]

For me, the highlight of our trip so far came in a wildly adventurous and fairly dangerous form, as I suppose and high point of a South American Odyssey might occur.   And that highlight was our boat ride from El Cabo (the last location ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, boats, taganga, tayrona national park

The Termite Volcano is not full of Termites

Monday, 5 Jan 2015 | Views [460]

So as it turns out, I never had the stomach bug. BOOM. I muscled through.   Two days ago we woke up in Cartagena, checked out of our hostel, and headed for Volcan de Lodo El Totumo. It was this wild and crazy volcano which instead of erupting ... Read more >

Gastroenteritis in Getsemaní

Sunday, 4 Jan 2015 | Views [641]

Greetings folks! Great news: Matt and I have both gotten gastroenteritis, aka what us Americans call "the stomach bug." Thus, we have stayed in Cartagena a few days longer than initially planned. Suffice to say, there are plenty of exciting things to ... Read more >

Tags: cartagena, castillo, empanadas, exploring

We're baaaaaaack.....

Friday, 2 Jan 2015 | Views [564] | Comments [2]

It was an early wake up. One of those where your stomach hurts all morning and it has kind of continual rocky  turning. Everything went smoothly getting to the airport. 10 minutes from boarding, Matt went to find a notebook. He came back with no ... Read more >

Tags: arrival, getsemaní, hostels, public buses, veggie pizza



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