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Paul and Pete backpacking in Asia Follow us on our big adventures!


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "waterfalls".

2 day slow boat to Laos ... and Luang Prabang

LAOS | Sunday, 16 Jun 2013 | Views [1376]

Our 2 day slow boat down the Mekong river was a very relaxing journey and we made some great friends in the process. The journey started off at the Thai border at Chiang Kong (far north east) where we spent the night. We had great views of Laos on the ... Read more >

Tags: bowling, mekong, waterfalls

Northern Thailand

THAILAND | Monday, 10 Jun 2013 | Views [733]

With a full moon party looming in Koh Phangan it was a tough decision to head north up to Chiang Mai. But we decided that we'd return to the islands in june to make the full moon on the 23rd. Our coach up to Chiang Mai was great, smooth all the way (unlike ... Read more >

Tags: elephants, scooters, snakes, tigers, trekking, waterfalls

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