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Paul and Pete backpacking in Asia Follow us on our big adventures!


There are [0] photos and [5] stories tagged with "scuba diving".

Flores and Komodo

INDONESIA | Sunday, 22 Sep 2013 | Views [2001]

  Me and Mike caught our one way flight to Flores looking like zombies. 3 solid nights out in Bali kind of has that effect! We caught up on a bit of sleep on the plane before arriving at our destination, Labuan Bajo, in the west of Flores. We ... Read more >

Tags: bintang, boat cruise, deserted islands, komodo dragons, scuba diving, sun sets


PHILIPPINES | Tuesday, 6 Aug 2013 | Views [1006] | Video

I arrived at Mactan airport on Cebu with big plans to see big fish! After waiting in a massive queue for a taxi I made it to the south bus terminal then jumped on a bus and headed 4 hours south to a little town called Oslob. Over the past 12 months or ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, islands, scuba diving, snorkelling, thresher sharks, whale sharks

On-the-go- Borneo!

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 11 Jul 2013 | Views [862]

My journey to Borneo was so easy thanks to air asia having great deals on flights in Malaysia! I took 2 flights, the first from Kota Bharu to the capital Kuala Lumpur where I then connected to Kota Kinabalu in Malaysian Borneo. I was pretty tired ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, climbing mountains, islands, orangutans, river jungle cruises, scuba diving

Perhentian Paradise

MALAYSIA | Friday, 5 Jul 2013 | Views [2053]

The journey from Ko Phangan to the Perhentian Islands on the east coast of Malaysia was a bit of a nightmare.It consisted of the following ... Taxi, ferry, bus, mini van (arrived in Hat Yai), realised I was not going to make it to the intended border ... Read more >

Tags: amazing beaches, monitor lizards, paradise, scuba diving, sharks, snorkelling, turtles

Thailand: The Islands!

THAILAND | Monday, 1 Jul 2013 | Views [732]

We only just about made it onto our bus from Pakse in the south of Laos to head to the Thai border. They had oversold the seats, typical transport in south east asia. I had to settle for a place on the coach floor in the middle of the isle and ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, buckets, full moon party, scuba diving

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