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Owen's Travel Journal

See You Later Auckland

NEW ZEALAND | Monday, 30 March 2009 | Views [445] | Comments [2]

Finaly, I got round to doing it! Today I went over to IEP and I booked my Kiwi Experience bus. I leave tomorrow morning at 8.20am, heading down to Mercury Bay (Whitianga), stopping at Thames and Hahei on the way there. As nice a city as Auckland is, and as awesome a time as I've had here, I am so excited to be leaving. Finding work in Auckland was proving very hard and, combined with the fact that most of the original group that I came with had left, I was getting very bored at times, hence the lack of entries lately.

I havn't completely wasted my time though. Two nights ago I went to the cinema with Daryl and Gemma. We were in the "imax" screen. The cinema screen in there is so so big, it literaly takes up your entire feild of vision and it has awesome sound. We went to see Watchmen which, I'm disapointed to say, was a bit of a let down. Was a bit too long and had too many anoying pointless bits in it for me. I did have an awesme ice cream in the cinema though, was 2 scoops on a waffle cone, dipped in chocolate which had been left to set, yummeh. I also watched Reservior Dogs on my iPod which I've wanted to do for a while, was pretty damn good.

In addition to film watching, I've also done loads of reading. Yesterday I went and bought myself a coffee, a Mrs. Higgins cookie, went and sat in Albert Park, which is a really really nice park not far off Queens Street, and read a book for about 4 hours haha! I finished my book and decided I wanted to read Lord Of The Rings (I tried to once a while back but I think i was a bit young for it) so I went and bought the first one. Working my way through that now, its good.

Tonight I met up with Alberto again and we headed to a Thai place to get some tea. Had a bit of chilli ginger veg and tofu that they made specially for me, it was awesome. I was glad to hear that Berend is doing really well and apparently you wouldn't know he'd had a heart attack! Alberto said that, although he has met with Paul quite a few times since they've both been in New Zealand, he has not yet been down to where Paul lives. He suggested that when I'm down in Queenstown, he could fly down and meet me and then we could drive and meet up with Paul which would be awesome. New Zealand will never have had so many Boninis in one place.

I really should get to bed and attempt to have an early night for my early start tomorrow morning but I've had trouble sleeping latley, not sure why, probably the noise of the air con and from outside. My bags are all packed so hopefuly it'll just be a case of grabbing them and leaving in the morning.

One of the girls who was in the original group that I came over to New Zealand with, called Kate, arrived back in Auckland today after having been up north for a while. She's also traveling down south and very coincidentaly is getting on the same bus as me tomorrow! This was kind of a relief, it'll be nice to have a familliar face there. When I booked today they told me I had the last spot on the bus so there's a good chance im going to meet alot of new people over the next few days.

I also asked at IEP about getting work in Hawkes Bay. The woman there gave me details of hostels in Hastings, close by to Napier where I had originaly planned to go, and of one in particualr which assist backpackers in getting fruit picking work in the area. She also said she didnt think that me only wanting to work for 3 or 4 weeks would be a problem. This combined with the supposed shortage of fruit pickers in the area is making it look as though getting a job might not be so hard after all.



Now that sounds like a plan, three Bonini's in Queenstown...

  Paul Mar 31, 2009 5:48 AM


Lost yer razor? :) Glad your on the move, take care xx

  Mum Mar 31, 2009 7:25 PM



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