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The Great Panda Adventures

Trip: The Great Panda Adventure

There are [15] stories from my trip: The Great Panda Adventure

The Home Stretch: Family and Friends

CHINA | Wednesday, 26 Jun 2013 | Views [1559] | Comments [1]

So as you may know, the GPA has now come to an end. After thousands of photos, five packages mailed home, hundreds of items left behind accidentally, many new friends and countless adventures, we made it home in two pieces! Even though things have ... Read more >

Tags: border trouble, chinese food, family, friends

Bia Hoi Hai Noi!

VIETNAM | Monday, 27 May 2013 | Views [1673] | Comments [1]

Our journey to north began after a couple days of waiting for our tailored garments  to be finished. Once they were mailed off to Canada, we hopped on a bus to Hue, a small town near the DMZ or the old border between north and south Vietnam. It ... Read more >

Tags: cyclo-taxi, motorbike, rice terraces, trekking, vietnam

Nicasaratops or South Vietnam

VIETNAM | Friday, 24 May 2013 | Views [881]

Hello again after a long delay! This post was written at the beginning of May, but lack of computers, travelling and general things prevented me from posting it until now. The name of the post was the dinasaur name I came up with for myself, and wrote ... Read more >

Tags: american war, museums, street food, tailors, temples, vietnam war, war

Small towns, Big Cities, Ancient Temples and Nice People: What's not to love about Cambodia?

CAMBODIA | Monday, 15 Apr 2013 | Views [2287] | Comments [3]

When planning our trip, it seemed outrageous to me that we could go to ten or eleven countries in six months or less. So, I was originally thinking about skipping Cambodia as it is geographically easy to get from the south of Laos to Saigon, ... Read more >

Tags: angkor wat, biking, museums, temples

Life in Laos (some ups and some downs)

LAOS | Tuesday, 2 Apr 2013 | Views [1215] | Comments [2]

One of the things that has occurrd many times in Asia that was hard to get used to was the amount of people who want to take photos with me. At first I usually assume they want me to take a photo OF them, but then they hand Jake their camera and wave ... Read more >

Tags: 4000 islands, bus trips, hmong people, mekong river, slow boat, trekking

Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai-goodbye To Thai!

THAILAND | Tuesday, 19 Mar 2013 | Views [1370] | Comments [4]

  After an overnight bus, waiting in an airport for nine hours and a sleepless overnight train, we ended up in Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand. How we managed to get to Chiang Mai and everything we were doing there was very much different ... Read more >

Tags: art, campfire, cooking, elephants, rafting, temple, trekking

From Bangkok to Burma

MYANMAR | Friday, 15 Mar 2013 | Views [6334] | Comments [4]

We made it to Bangkok after braving an overnight bus with loud travellers singing Karaoke and some near death turns that almost made the bus topple over. I don't have much to say about Bangkok, as Jake got a pretty bad cold and we were in need of ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, elephants, horsecart, khoasan, myanmar, sunrise, sunsets, temples

The Beautiful Beaches of Thailand

THAILAND | Monday, 4 Mar 2013 | Views [1156] | Comments [1]

Sorry for the lack of photos! the internet cafes in Bangkok wont let us look at  upload photos. Ill add some later! Hello Thailand! Considering how close Malaysia and Thailand are, the people and way of life is very different to us! I never would ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, full moon party, islands, temples

Goodbye Malaysia!

MALAYSIA | Tuesday, 19 Feb 2013 | Views [739]

The last time I wrote, we were on our way to the bus station to catch a bus to Penang in the north of Malaysia. It turned out to be way easier said than done. When we got to the bus station, we went down to the terminals below the station to wait for ... Read more >

Tags: beaches, ferry, food, kayaking, malaysia, unesco

A Jungle Adventure-Teman Negara

MALAYSIA | Saturday, 9 Feb 2013 | Views [1384] | Comments [3]

One thing I have been looking forward to since we decided to go to Malaysia was Teman Negara; A national park in Malaysia. It is a place where people can trek through one of the oldest jungles in the world and stay over night either in the jungle or ... Read more >

The Lion City and KL

SINGAPORE | Monday, 4 Feb 2013 | Views [688] | Comments [2]

Happy February! (I originally wrote this post a couple days ago!) Four countries in one month; not bad right?  Getting to Singapore from Australia was quite a long trip. Starting  at 3am  from the Brisbane airport, we eventually made ... Read more >

Photos: The Great Panda Adventure

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013 | Photo Gallery

PIcture from Sydney to London
See all 122 photos >>

The three B's: Becky, Brett and Brisbane

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2013 | Views [527] | Comments [1]

Side Note: I changed the website for my blog! The other one didn’t let me put pictures throughout the post (which I haven't figured out yet! Haha), and I really wanted that feature. It also didn’t notify me if someone made a comment. So I ... Read more >

Hanging out in Potts Point

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 16 Jan 2013 | Views [427]

After spending four nights and three days in Bondi Beach, and seeing our first cockroach (blegh!), we checked out of our hostel and took a train to a new hotel in an area called Potts Point. On our trek there, we saw strip club after strip club, lots ... Read more >

Tags: city living, zoo

I Have Sunscreen in my Eyes!

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 11 Jan 2013 | Views [512]

After 30 hours of travelling we have finally made it to Austrailia! This is our third day and it's been great so far. We started our trip out in Toronto, were we spent a day and a half with some really great friends, eating seafood, playing ping poing ... Read more >

Tags: beach, hiking, planes