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rainbows hungary- - >croatia -->bulgaria-->turkey-->syria ..


TURKEY | Wednesday, 8 August 2007 | Views [638]

so we arrived in istanbul for the couchsurfing meeting/hug campaign to find out that it was at 15.00!! i couldnt believe it was that early cause the weather was really hot not perfect huggin weather.especially after a 15 hour train i dont know who would like to hug us.we only had 1 hour to find our host and get to his place take a shower and join the hug campaign so we ended up not going.it was too complicated.our host was really really nice ,new member with no experience but let me use the computer for the whole night so i did a lot of blog writing that was neglected for weeks.he also had his last exam in 2 days for which i even more appreciated the fact that he accepted our request.so later we joined the csers for the meeting at a club called naya.they were supposed to be on the last floor so when we enterred we asked who is there from couchsurfing?they pointed arround meaning that everyone was from the website.i couldnt believe it!it was SO crowded.we even met alper there a really nice guy from izmir that we hosted in thessa few months ago.alper was so excited to see us and wanted to go with us to the "butterfly valley".we did love the idea but ended up not going cause vasilis broke his card and we thought we didnt have a way to withdraw money and decided to only travel using the trains and our nice balkan flexi pass ticket.the meeting was ok but not the type of meetings i enjoy (2 many people and the music 2 loud too-u had to scream to be heard)so we left to take a walk in taxim square (Again!)it was nice but we were dead tired.the people moved to another cafe or bad and we found our host and met some of his friends at another cafe.we finally went back home and slept like logs.next day i got to use the computer and finish all my pcwork and also tried to find hosts in other parts of turkey closer to syria.i had a very hard time but in the end i got a very positive message from this girl in ankara.we tried to head to ankara next night to realize we were on the wrong station /how nice!we head to get a boat to arrive at the right one and there was no time left so we decided to stay for another night in istanbul and leave first thing on the morning next day.i called another cser  that i was in touch with we found his place and crashed.nice guy too but we hardly even talked to him we were so tired and next day we had to leave his place at 8 cause he had an exam to take as well(funny coincidence these two hosts we stayed with in istanbul must be in the same year and same class!)

Tags: Relaxation

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