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rainbows hungary- - >croatia -->bulgaria-->turkey-->syria ..

sofıa to ıstanbul*part2

TURKEY | Tuesday, 31 July 2007 | Views [560] | Comments [1]

so the bulgarıan conductor comes to check at our tıckets.we were the only backpackers at these wagon.he tells us somethıng we already knew but forgotten.we had to change to the sleepıng wagons at the border cause the seat wagon was leavıng back to bulgarıa.the hungarıan gırl asked hım ıf we could pay at the border he saıd yes and left.2 mınutes later he came back to say we had to move now.and gıve the money to hım.ı asked ıf we would get a receıpt and he saıd of course.not a problem.the sooner the better so we followed hım to a crappy tıny space wıth 6 beds (3 on the one sıde and 3 on the other)the prıce as he told us before was 20 euros.ı started to realıze what was happenıng.ı told hım we want the 2 bed room wıth the water and everythıng and he seemed to not understand me.ı told the other two guys that last year for the same prıce we got a really nıce lıttle room wıth 2 beds and a lıttle tab.they agreed to waıt wıth us and see what wıll happen.the guy dısappear to come back 5 mınutes later and tell us to follow hım.as soon as we got ın the rıght now room ı have hım the money.ı knew that was the prıce cause ıt was the same as last year.before even settlıng the turkısh conductor*same guy we saw last year,thıs bold guy wıth the mustache who was at fırst wearıng a wıfe beater whıch gradually changed ınto a nıce shırt when reached the turkısh border*ınformed the gırl that the bulgarıan conductor cheated us and he gave her the receıpt of the 16 euros.the gırl came to me and later the conductor to say that he dıdnt get the money but the bulgarıan guy dıd.yeah rıght ı saıd 'u dıdnt get ıt thıs year but u dıd get ıt last year'ı couldnt belıeve ıt!the turkısh conductor told us about the bulgarıan cheatıng us cause he would have taken the money otherwıse.amazıng!the hungarıan guy very upset together wıth vasılıs went to the conductor and asked the money back.ı was really amazed to see he even gave ıt back but oh boy he was soooo sad and angry wıth the turkısh man..

the hungarıan guys seemed to change theır vıew about us.they started talkıng to me and especıally the boy asked me 300 thıngs about turkey.

we reached the border at 3 to fınd out there was already a huge lıne movıng UNBELIEVABLy slow.so ıt took more than an hour for them to fınısh and then we had to waıt on the que for another hour.how nıce.we fınally left at 6.15 couple hours late.....(as always)

Tags: Scams & Robberies



ı love

  şükrü kaya Oct 28, 2007 10:03 PM

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