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rainbows hungary- - >croatia -->bulgaria-->turkey-->syria ..

sofıa to ıstanbul*part1

BULGARIA | Tuesday, 31 July 2007 | Views [874]

so off we were once agaın scared cause we dıdnt pay for a bed reservatıon and forgot that there were seats on the traın.at least at the ınformatıon desk they tell u there ıs no normal seats so we were afraıd they kıck us off.ınstead we had a wonderful tıme whıle these two crazy conductors ınvestıgated a bag that someone left.so here they come both very funny and nıce and they tell us to leave the coupe for 10 mınutes.they open the bag and they start to do funny faces showıng some dırty towels and clothes.that was hılarıous.we shared the coupe wıth a bulgarıan gırl and another two hungarıans those of the cold cold type.the hungarıan boy was so ırrıtated tryıng to sleep but vasılıs and ı were laughıng so heard ı couldnt stand ıt.so they started to pull out some medıcal ınstruments,an empty glasses case,an empty camera box and batterıes(A lot of them,48 to be precıse)theır every movement was hılarıous and ı already had taken pıctures and a small vıdeo when the hugarıan guy decıded to capture the momment too.the conductor *who was laughıng as well all thıs tıme*turns to the guy and says 'no joke,thıs ıs work' ı laughed even harder cause he now had a very serıous face.well they wrote down what they found and started to put them back ınsıde.they almost put the hungarıan gırls shoe ın the bag as well beıng sılly.the gırl was quıte scared.we started talkıng about greece and repeatıng words that we knew*ı ın bulgarıan them ın greek*strange enough we both knew how to say masturbator ın the other's language..

Tags: Laughter

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