Well I left Bangkok - I had kind of had enough and was reeady for some beach action. The overnight train was pretty cool actually. Had a comfy little bed and managed to sleep quite well. One of the servers on the train was a lady boy who was pretty funny.
In typical Thai fashion there was alot of confusion on what was actually happening when we got on the buses as we kept stopping and having stickers put on us for wherever we went!
I met a german couple enroute who were pretty cool and also a lady who was nice.
Stayed in Phi Phi for the night in a cute bungalow over looking the beach. Wasnt massively in love with phi phi as it was pretty party town and quite hard on your own but I have teamed up now with the lady i met so thats cool. Next morning we took a long tail boat over to Long Beach - which is AMAZING!!!
To make you all really jealous its white sand and turqoise sea. Bungalow is so lovely.
They seem to love cats here as they seem to be everywhere- they are really well looked after and there are little food and water bowls everywhere.
Apparently you shouldnt leave banannas on your porch here as monkeys come down and still them- so I am going to buy a bunch!!
Hoping to go on a boatt trip in the next few days.
Update again soon - just trying to put my piccies up!!
Mother dont worry about the sleeping pills - they will help ease the pain when the sharks get me;)
I am off to get some dinner soon - its just started chucking it down!
speak soon
kerry xxx