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UBUNTU "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu

Could life get any better?!?

SOUTH AFRICA | Monday, 11 February 2008 | Views [595] | Comments [2]

How it is possible to keep topping every weekend I have here, is
completely beyond my comprehension. I can tell  you though, that had I
not met Henrie and Wessel, life would be a lot different here in South
Africa. These guys put southern hospitality to shame! Wessel picked
all of us up on Saturday morning for a braai (barbecue) with is family
and Henrie. We ended up in a park with a waterfall, rocks to climb,
and a swimming area at the bottom of the waterfall and rocks. It took
me all of two seconds to start climbing rocks and jump into the
freezing water. We stayed there for most of the afternoon and then
headed to Wessel's to play the guitar and sit around the fire before
heading out for the night. Considering myself and Lise (Denmark
volunteer) are the only sober ones here, I got to be designated driver
all weekend and it was so much fun to drive on the wrong side of the
car and the wrong side of the road! We dropped the Germans off in the
college area of Pretoria so they could go clubbing and celebrate
Antonia's birthday while the rest of use went to a karaoke bar to play
pool. I met so many of Henrie and Wessel's friends and taught them all
how to line dance and two step. For some reason, these people love
country music, so naturally they flocked to the Texan!
After a long day and night, we all passed out and woke to another
beautiful day in South Africa and headed to breakfast at a petting
zoo/restaurant so the majority could cure their hangovers. After a
great breakfast, we headed to a restaurant/bar that had a swimming
pool in the middle of nowhere, so we all swam and lounged about the
pool (acquiring the worst sunburns as of yet). After a few hours,
Henrie took us to his parents house/private game reserve right outside
of Pretoria. Their house is absolutely amazing - I have never seen
anything like it. They can literally wake up in the morning, take a
shower in their OUTDOOR shower and then sit on their balcony and watch
giraffe's come by the watering hole for hydration. Henrie and his mom
then took us around in the bucky (pick up truck) to drive through the
reserve and see all the animals. The scenery is indescribable, but I
can tell you that I have never in my life experienced that
calm/peace/excitement all at the same time. After our afternoon safari
we headed back to Wessel's for another braai and then home for much
needed rest and after-sun lotion applications.
The entire weekend was totally lekker (that is afrikaans for
'great/good)! I am falling in love with this country more than any
other before! More adventures to come next weekend when we head to
Henrie's sheep farm for camping and to celebrate his birthday.

Tags: Adventures



I've been following your adventures... It sounds like you are having the experience of a lifetime. Keep writing! I'm so proud of you and I'm sending you lots of prayers and love from Boston. Can you post some pictures? Do you have an address? I love you so much and I'm constantly thinking about you!
<3 Court

  Courtney Feb 13, 2008 8:56 AM


Breakfast at a petting zoo... that's my kind of place! I love petting zoo's! Play with some animals for me!

  Brandi Mar 12, 2008 5:26 AM

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